A prime example of the fail lights of Atlanta

Atlanta is pretty notorious for its crippling highway traffic.  After all, it’s where four interstates, and Georgia State Route 400 all intersect, dumping a million people into the city in the mornings, and a million people all trying to get out in the afternoons, all while another million people are just passing through going north, south, west, and sometimes east at varying times of the day.  These highways are mostly neglected by law enforcement since most cops don’t want to bother getting tangled in the web of traffic in their own right and the massive number of regular HOV violators is about the largest untapped revenue generator as a college football playoff would be.  All in all, it leads to a regular conclusion of standstill traffic, unhappy commuters, and a whole lot of people hating Atlanta.

As bad as the highways are however, the surface streets of Atlanta aren’t much better.  In fact, I would wager to even say that they’re even worse, because at least on the highway, it’s often clear to what is causing traffic, which is usually a fuckton of idiot drivers who do nothing but swerve and cut in front of everyone, causing everyone to regularly fan out in all lanes to try and get to their desired exits before everyone else does, even if it jeopardizes the safety of everybody else.

But on the surface streets, the traffic isn’t so much often the fact that people are fucking retarded behind the wheels of their cars as much as it is the fact that Atlanta simply has poorly-timed traffic lights, all over the entire fucking city.  I haven’t met too many people astute enough to realize this, but it’s absolutely true; just look at the picture up above.

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Man, What A Stupid Commercial #008

Unfortunately, due to the fact that I watch both sports as well as professional wrestling, I fall into the target demographic of men who simply do not have any understanding of personal hygiene, despite the fact that I think I take care of myself fairly adequately. That being said, I’m subject to a lot of commercials like this one about men’s deodorant that are obnoxious, and of course, stupid.

The basic synopsis of this commercial is that the spazz of a protagonist is getting his haircut at like Great Clips or some other place where dudes get their hair cut. In fact, when I was seeking this on YouTube, I was perplexed as to why I wasn’t finding it on Great Clips’ YouTube channel, before realizing that it wasn’t even a Great Clips commercial at all. Take the whole deodorant plugs out of this commercial, and it might make an adequate Great Clips commercial in its own right.

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Photos: Momocon photos, all five of them

Yeah so, the Spartan Race and Momocon were on the same day. I didn’t have much idea to just how long the Spartan Race was going to take, and I had difficult tearing myself away from the spectator section of the finish line to watch people get pummeled by the two gladiators. Needless to say, the Spartan Race consumed more of the day than I had thought it would, and by the time I cleaned up and made my way back to downtown Atlanta for Momocon, most of the day was gone. But it was all good.

Typically, anime conventions don’t really interest me these days, because they’re just a reminder of just how old as fuck I am, and I think that most of the kids that go to them are also fucking retards. But this one’s right in my backyard, and I knew that there would be a few people I’d be interested in seeing, so I decided to give it a whirl. It was a good choice, even if I took like, barely any photos.

Sure, Momocon succeeded in reminding me of how old I am, but more importantly in spite of how little time I actually spent there, it was well spent catching up with my boy Orrie, whom I’ve known for just about almost 15 years now, but haven’t really seen in ages.

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Photos: The Spartan Race

This year, I ran in my first-ever Spartan Race.  Zombie runs are tiresome and the chasing nature of them leads to take away from the physical challenge of obstacles, since it caused people like me to blow up before any obstacles.  And after the debacle of the Georgia Run For Your Lives event, I was actually a little eager to redeem myself from such an abysmal time, even if my group and I were screwing around the entire time, due to the fact that it was an uncontrollable mud pit.

As a whole, I really liked the Spartan Race.  Not being chased by overzealous fake zombies led me to concentrate on the task at hand, and manage my endurance to traverse four miles as well as numerous physical obstacles.  I realize what my strengths and weaknesses are in general; when it comes to running, I’m pretty comfortable and right at home, but when it comes to sheer upper-body strength, despite how much I workout, I’m absolutely terrible with stuff like monkey bars and having the sheer strength to lift myself over an eight-foot wall.

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Just doesn’t really seem right

I was driving to work, and I saw this car at a stoplight.  It was a Honda Element, and on the back window were two stickers.  Dead red center was a big, gaudy Harley-Davidson sticker, and in a far less flamboyant section of the window, tucked away in the bottom left, was an Apple sticker.

I don’t really know what I’m getting at, but this odd mish-mash of identities all conglomerated onto a single vehicle fascinated me to where it sparked me to actually write about it.  When looking at everything as a whole, I sing the lines “one of these is NOT like the others,” and it leads me to making illogical assumptions about the person behind the wheel.

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I think I love this woman

Not just because Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo looks like total wifey material, but primarily for her actions, namely the one that has got her in the most childishly stupid of hot water. I can assume that most people have heard about it by now, but if you’ve been living under a rock, Mayer has pretty much told all Yahoo employees that working from home is no longer an option, and that they have to show up to work, or quit. Naturally, this has caused a monumental uproar from all of the Yahoo employees who abused the option to work from home, and they’re up in arms, and bringing everyone they can with them to fight the pointless fight.

I am unequivocally, 100% on Marissa Mayer’s side on this argument. The concept of “working from home” is one of the biggest crocks in the history of mankind, and there is absolutely nothing that could convince me that someone working from home, unsupervised and immersed in all of their worldly possessions and distractions, could actually be more productive than someone actually present in the workplace. I just don’t think it’s possible at all. I would really like to see each and every one of these Yahoo employees who are crying foul on this whole thing to try and prove otherwise, because already many have already fallen flat on their faces in attempting to do such.

Some of the biggest fail challenges are the people who claim that this completely screws up their parenting. That having to go to the office and do their job interferes with them being to stay home and well, not do their job, in favor of parenting, and all other job-irrelevant tasks and activities. Oh, I’m sorry Yahoo employee, that you have to GO to work and DO YOUR JOB. I guess you’ll have to be like all the other plebeians, and hire a babysitter or a nanny to care for your kids while you GO DO YOUR JOB.

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I think I’m the worst baseball fan in the world

It’s that time of the year again, when baseball begins to permeate into my writing, into my daily activities, and into life itself.  Technically, it’s still a month away before the Major League Baseball season begins, and I go back to rooting for the Atlanta Braves again, but there’s still meaningful baseball being played currently in parts of the world, as the World Baseball Classic has been going on for a week now.  I should say there was meaningful baseball being played, because in my case, my main involvement with the WBC has always been that Team Korea has always been present and played well at prior WBCs and international baseball tournaments in general.  Well, they were knocked out of the WBC this morning, and despite playing in the semi-finals and the finals respectively in 2006 and 2009, they’re bounced in the first round this time.

It’s really ironic how it all happened too, considering that in the four-team pool that Korea was in, three teams went 2-1, with Australia embarrassing themselves going 0-3.  But Korea didn’t do themselves any favors, getting embarrassed themselves, getting blanked against Curacao the Netherlands in the first game, which put them in the wrong side of a tie-break situation, which ended up coming to fruition, resulting the favored Koreans getting bounced, despite winning their last game against the cheating Taiwanese.

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