I hate to admit it, but I support this

Yahoo – orange guy vows to end daylight savings time, citing it as ‘inconvenient‘ and ‘very costly’

I don’t hide the fact that I’m not a fan of the orange guy, or really any politics for that matter, but especially since I had children, I’ve always bemoaned how much I loathe daylight savings, and would tongue-in-cheek say that I would support anyone who worked in favor of eliminating it.

All because some farmers in like 1069AD felt it was too dangerous to be out doing their shit in the pitch darkness of an early morning, the whole world had to deal with this bullshit concept.  Don’t get me wrong, farmers and agriculture are undoubtedly important to the functionality of civilization, but I feel like there have been enough studies done throughout modern times that have debunked the real need for it in the grand spectrum of things.

Clearly, those who are not in agreement of the lack of necessity of daylight savings are not parents, or apparently, rich white 1%-ers whom seem to be the ones trying to justify the elimination of it in, citing it as a hinderance to earning potential. 

I don’t get to capitalize on the bonus hour, because I have young children who don’t know what daylight savings is, and neither do their circadian rhythms are, so it usually ends up as a morning where they naturally wake up at 6:45 am because their bodies think it’s 7:45 am, with the difference is that my phone has adjusted for the hour change, and I’m getting up at the same time they are, with the difference is that breakfast is not ready, I haven’t had coffee or a bathroom break, dog hasn’t eaten or gone out, and it’s just a colossal shitshow that takes days of adjustment.

And then the spring forward, not only am I exhausted from losing an hour, the kids are tired and groggy from losing theirs, and everyone has a miserable day, capped off with the fact that there’s school and work the following day and it’s no longer the life where I can just sleep in on every single weekend day of my life like I used to prior to having children.

Screw the farmers, and parents who are afraid of their kids having to stand at bus stops in the darkness, need to work with their communities and neighborhoods to improve infrastructure, or have better thought out locations for bus stops and use their heads and common sense to get out of the way of moving vehicles.

All I’ve always said is that I don’t care if we stay in daylight savings or spring forward, I honestly don’t know the official designation between the two, I just want to outright eliminate the shifting of an hours twice a year bullshit, and never have to deal with it again. And if it makes me an asshole to stand on the side with those arrogant rich white fuckheads, so be it, because I fucking hate daylight savings and want it gone as much as they do.

Only What We Do in the Shadows could end like this

Going into the sixth season of What We Do in the Shadows, I wasn’t aware that it was going to be the final season in the series.  I just figured it would be yet another hilarious installment of the series and that we’d eventually continue to get more Shadows in the future. 

All the same, I wasn’t really bothered by the news; not because I didn’t like the show enough, quite the contrary, but I’m of the belief that even if it means having to say goodbye, it’s always best when a series is able to go out on their own terms and leave while there’s still something left in the tank, versus a series that has been dragged out way too long and crawls to the finish line only to have a metaphorical bullet put in their head, two seasons too late.

WWDITS has been one of the better shows over the last few years in my opinion because it’s just plan hilarious in its absurdity, from writing, to format, and acting, and fewer things are indicative of a show’s influence and general popularity than its ability to pull A-list cameos and guest appearances, and it was always amusing to see the scale and frequency of guests as the series progressed, because it was clear that the popularity of Shadows was rising with each successive season.

But as was referenced numerous times throughout the finale, all good things must come to an end, and although I do think Shadows stuck the hardest thing to do in the realm of storytelling, putting out an ending that doesn’t suck, the whole sixth season really was kind of one long farewell, with each episode allowing for characters to make their last appearances, wrap up character arcs, as well as letting the cast and crew air out some meta jokes and references.

By the time they got to the actual last episode, there was no feeling of rushing or urgency to wrap everything up, and it almost masterfully done how they allowed for the final episode to be an open book where they could do what they did, be playful and creative and tighten the bow that they had worked the entire season tying up.  It was entertaining and bittersweet, because there’s this tongue-in-cheek awareness of what the audience is feeling, and the writing and characters do a good job of navigating between the fourth wall’s fourth wall, speaking to both the documentary’s audience as well as the television viewers as well.

The finale is a fun joyride, the final love letter to the series as a whole, that successfully wraps everything else up, allows for some of the show’s greatest hits and tropes to make final appearances, and manages to weave in multiple endings and teaser finishes in a fun and whimsical manner.

Personally, I wasn’t sure when the final credits would start rolling, because in this day and age, episodic time constraints aren’t as concrete like they used to be, and it’s not out of the ordinary for finale episodes to have longer run times in order to have a little flexibility.  But when they finally got to the final minutes of the series, I thought they ended it magnificently, and only in a way that Shadows could do.  Part bittersweet, part heartwarming, part gotcha, and of course, entirely funny.

By the time the episode was actually-actually over, I was left with a feeling of satisfaction and general happiness to have been able to been witness to what overall was a fantastic show, and I’m happy for the series to go out on top, instead of limping to the finish.

And metaphorically speaking, it feels nice to end the year’s television watching on a high notes as well as this one.

Terry Bogard in SF is basically Sonic in Smash

I’m not going to pretend like I follow or even care about the state of the video game industry, beyond if there’s anyone I know within it that relies on it to stay afloat for the health of their wellbeing.  But a while back, I heard that Terry Bogard from the Fatal Fury series was going to be made available as a playable character – in Street Fighter 6; and my eyebrow scrunched and I tilted my head like a dog when hearing something confusing.

Why.. is a Fatal Fury character being released in Street Fighter?

Clearly, somewhere along the timelines of SNK, my guess is that business had to go so tits up at some point to where they began to have to sell off or lease off intellectual property, and stronger entities like Capcom are more than willing to invest in established IPs if they’re made available.  And so, despite being one of the Street Fighter franchise’s most prominent competitors, Fatal Fury has basically relegated themselves to being the uncomfortable victim company in a metaphorical merger.

So Terry Bogard, the de facto main character and protagonist of the Fatal Fury franchise, is now novelty DLC character in the Street Fighter franchise.  Supposedly, Mai Shiranui is on the way as well if she’s not already out, and that seems appropriate too, considering she was the pin-up for basically all of SNK, and was their answer to Chun Li as far as having a strong female character with sex appeal.

But it all seems kind of weird and awkward to see the fate that seems to have befallen SNK to where their strongest characters are basically being loaned to the Street Fighter franchise, despite the fact that at one point, they held their own, and existed as a viable and competitive alternate to them.

It reminds me of when I saw Sonic the Hedgehog as a playable character in one of the Super Smash Bros. games.  The main character of the franchise that was spearheading Sega’s determination to overthrow Nintendo’s position in the video game industry, now just a playable character in one of their massive library of titles.  And I’ve read plenty about the history of Sega and their proud and defiant history of trying to compete and defeat Nintendo, which adds to the feeling of sadness and defeat that they’ve gotten to the point where their IPs were absorbed by Nintendo, and at the mercy of their discretion at what would see the light of day in the future.

That’s kind of what it feels like to me, seeing Terry Bogard, Mai Shiranui and any future Fatal Fury or other SNK characters showing up in Street Fighter or any future Capcom title for that matter.  There’s an air of defeat and quite literal ownage, if it is true that Capcom has purchased the rights to their competitors IPs. 

But let’s not chalk this up as a complete win for Capcom here; no, getting ahold of other existing characters just means Capcom can remain on cruise control as far as creating new and interesting characters goes.  The company hasn’t really had an original idea in seemingly over a decade now, leaning consistently on remakes, remasters, re-releases in all of their signature franchises, like Street Fighter and Resident Evil.  Packaging all their old arcade beat-em-ups into these overpriced collections and hitting them with a high pass filter and claiming they’re remastered.

Instead of attempting to create and innovate, Capcom would rather get throw money and purchase other properties, even of their competitors, and just merge them into their existing machines and hope that people continue to spend their cash on their shit.  And that’s how we end up with Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui in Street Fighter.  It’ll be fun to see whom they trot out next, surely guys like Andy Bogard and Joe Higashi need to make their way in, but beyond them it’s anyone’s guess at who and how they’ll manage to shoehorn any other Fatal Fury names into a Street Fighter roster without bloating it up to Marvel vs. Capcom 2 proportions.

Let’s talk about how much mobile-first development sucks

This is a topic that has been sitting in my living document of potential writing topics for a while, but never seemed to make it out of the queue, because of well, life.  But the other day, I saw a meme that I’d seen a few times before, but for whatever reason, it bubbled up this topic, and then I found myself in a position and headspace to where I might be able to write about this, finally.

But basically the meme was about how, [paraphrased] my most millennial trait is that large purchases must be done on an actual computer, or whatever equivalent to that general message that exists.  And being a millennial, I wholeheartedly agree, for a myriad of reasons, that large purchases really should be done on an actual computer and not on my phone or any other mobile device that I have.

Flights, vacations, experiences, large expenses, yeah, I don’t want do any of that shit over my phone, because I’ll never fully trust mobile data security as much as I would my own home’s personal wi-fi, not that that’s any better, but it just gives me peace of mind that it is.  Additionally, checking out on my phone leads to all sorts of room for error when pecking in on a mobile keyboard any sort of PII, billing and shipping information, and the last thing I’d want is a critical purchase to fail or bounce, because I entered in something incorrectly on account of being on a little-ass phone.

And then there’s stuff like Rakuten and other shopping plugins that I have installed in my personal computer’s browsers that I don’t have on my mobile devices, that might get me a little bit of cashback here and there; sure, earning 1% back on a $100 purchase might not seem like a lot, but all those nickels and dimes can eventually amount to something in the future, especially if you’re not paying them any attention and they just continue to accumulate quietly.

And finally, I’m old and paranoid, and I like to have records of the things I spend my money on, so I have a penchant to take screen grabs and print to PDF confirmation screens and purchase confirmations, because at some point everyone goes through that paranoia of when a confirmation email doesn’t come immediately, and you’re left wondering if your purchase actually went through, and if you’re actually going to get what you ordered, and that your money wasn’t going to be tossed into the aether, to have to be fought and disputed for in order to retrieve.

So yes, I do believe that big purchases are best done on personal computers, even at the risk of sounding old and dated to a bunch of young shitheads whom I don’t give a fuck what their opinions of me are in the first place.

However the problem is that in this ever-changing and ever-evolving world, is something that I’ve had varying amounts of objection throughout the years, which is mobile-first development – the practice of developing websites and e-commerce platforms that are designed to be optimally used by those on phones and tablets, with the conversely resulting secondary and B-tier performance for those on personal computers.

I’d wager that most people I know have been in situations where they’re trying to do something on the internet, like visit a site, make a purchase or do something at their laptop or their computer, to little success, and then whether it’s themselves or someone within proximity goes “hey, let me try it on my phone,” to where they have instant and easy success – this is a prime example of mobile-first development.

Well anyway, it’s bullshit, and I hate it, that the internet is becoming more and more in favor of mobile-first development, and little by little alienating those people who still use laptops and computers, and gradually phasing out those of us olds who actually like to make purchases of any size on devices that aren’t the same things that we play games on and doom scroll while we’re sitting on the crapper.

Phones are great for making purchases like food orders, or quick rage purchases on Amazon Prime when the store you’re in is out of what you’re looking for.  Tickets, or social media sales platform transactions that aren’t really that big of a deal.  That’s the extent of mobile shopping that I’m interested in.  To each their own, and I’m sure the generations after me are fine with shelling out thousands of dollars worth of travel, electronics and experiences on their phones while sitting in traffic or dicking around on their phone while at work, but my old ass likes the ceremony and ritual of making large impactful purchases from the comfort of my own computer, preferably at home.

Welp, this wasn’t as great of a post as I thought it could’ve been, but whatever.  Mobile-first is bullshit, and it annoys me whenever I identify when companies are obviously putting mobile device commerce at the top of their food chains over all other means of completing transactions.  *coughDELTA

Thoughts on my first GCW live event

Despite the fact that I don’t really have the time to watch nearly as much wrestling as I would like to, whenever there’s a show at Center Stage in Midtown Atlanta, I typically make a conceited effort to go, regardless of the promotion that manages to book the venue.  It’s simply one of my favorite venues to watch live professional wrestling at; it’s a small, intimate venue that lends itself perfectly to watching wrestling, tickets are usually reasonable, there’s no bad seat in the house, and because of its size, Center Stage is perfect for yelling at performers and knowing that they can probably hear you.

A friend of mine gave me the heads up that GCW (Game Changer Wrestling) was coming to Center Stage, a week before a TNA show that I had earmarked, and since I don’t like to leave my house too much I quickly pivoted to plan on going to GCW instead of TNA since I’ve watched TNA (when it was still Impact Wrestling) at Center Stage before, but more importantly, that I’d never seen a GCW show in person before.

GCW is primarily known for their hardcore style, proclaiming to be the successor to ECW, with bleeding performers and penchant for weapons, primarily fluorescent light tubes, but they’re also known for putting on entertaining shows.  I’ve only seen one of their pay-per-views, as well as hundreds of random video clips and I’ve always found them entertaining, but the fact is they’re still like 4th or 5th tier in the current standing of notable promotions out there.  The fact that they still call themselves independent wrestling is amusing, but they’re also nowhere near the big leagues, but regardless, they still put on entertaining shows, and I was looking forward to it.

To cut to the chase, GCW was an awesome show and a fun experience.  Leaps and bounds better than MLW, not nearly as polished as TNA, but nowhere near as raw and amateur as any of the indy shows that I’d been to in the past.  There were no major names with WWE/AEW/TNA experience beyond guys like Joey Janela, Fuego del Sol and a rando booking of Jimmy Wang Yang, and Matt Cardona was only shown in video packages and highlights.  Nick Gage, the supposed heart and soul of the promotion, I don’t even know if he’s even still alive, or incarcerated or whatever, but he wasn’t there either.

In a way, I felt like it was better that way, since there were little to no preconceived notions on any of the talents I got to see.  In a way, it felt very refreshing to come into a show with hardly any knowledge of any of the talent, because it was like a rare chance to feel like a new fan again, to be amazed or surprised at the various levels of talents to which there was plenty of, on the GCW roster.

So the guy that captured my imagination the most was Jack Cartwheel; obviously with a name like that, it was obvious that cartwheels were going to be a part of what this guy did, but to what extent was unknown.  I figured he probably did the top-rope cartwheel DDT that Jake Atlas put on the map during his time in NXT, but as his match against Fuego del Sol progressed, it turned out to be so much more.

Cartwheels to celebrate.  Cartwheels to evade clotheslines and other attacks.  Cartwheels to get in and out of the ring, jumping over the top rope, coming off of the top.  There’s a reason why cartwheel was in his name, and as much as I admittedly thought his whole persona was lame as shit, and assumed he was going to do the job, seeing as how Fuego was the guy that came from a Top-3 promotion, as the match soldered on, and Jack Cartwheel kept spamming more and more cartwheels, he began to win me over.  I began yelling out for more cartwheels, and for the rest of the night, I was yelling at other guys I had little to no clue to whom they were, to do cartwheels.

Jack Cartwheel is a perfect example of a wrestler who appears to be aware of how silly his gimmick is, but has committed to it 100%, owns it and lives it, and spams it so hard, that it’s hard to not get won over by his sheer commitment and dedication to his gimmick.  After his match, which he thankfully won btw, all I wanted was to see more cartwheels.  More Jack Cartwheel!

Otherwise, like I said, the GCW show as a whole was fun and entertaining.  The lineup was a little wonky, and I can comfortably say that after the Jack Cartwheel vs. Fuego match, the card kind of went downhill, not just because I was so high on Jack Cartwheel, but because the paces of the match started to get slower, relying more on hardcore and danger spots, and by the time the main event rolled around where it was GCW Champion Mance Warner vs. some old bald guy who bled like a stuck pig and could barely move, the night had come to a crawl.

But overall, GCW was an awesome show.  If their journeys bring them through Atlanta again in the future, I’m definitely on board to go see them again, especially if they’re booking Center Stage.  And hopefully, Jake Cartwheel will still be on the roster then, and if he’s not, I certainly hope he’s in a better promotion, making good money and getting cartwheels even more over.

Dad Brog (#143): the surprisingly emotional aftermath

It’s not that I’ve gone around and had lengthy conversations about vasectomies leading into my own, but I still feel like there were a few things nobody talks about whenever the subject emerges.  I knew that the type of procedure I was going to have wasn’t going to be bad and in fact was probably one of the more efficient and painless ones, but I’m also someone who hasn’t ever had a surgery of any kind before in my life, so the feeling of being in a medical place for myself and laying back on a table for something done to me was completely foreign.

Not that I didn’t see this one coming, but it’s still very awkward to have people touching and handling your privates, and I found myself staring intently at the tiles on the ceiling and inadvertently holding my breath and feeling my legs go tense from time to time.  Felt like at times my junk were treated like Chinese stress balls the way they were being rolled around, and I get they’re feeling for any things out of the ordinary but was still a completely harrowing feeling all the same.

One thing that nobody that I’ve seen has talked about is the smell; and not from the standpoint that of being downstairs, the first bullet point on my pre-op instructions was to shower and shave fairly close to go-time, but the smell of things that are burned by the laser that my particular clinic was using.  I wasn’t entirely sure if it were errant hair or flesh or blood vessels, I didn’t look down at the procedure the entire time, but despite the fact that the local was doing a good job of nullifying feeling anything other than movement and the pressure of contact, it clearly doesn’t cancel out the scent of burning that emanated from the point of surgery.

However, what it all culminates in, and what serves as the impetus for this post was the surprising wave of emotions that seemed to bubble up after I was done with the procedure, which all in all wasn’t really painful as much as it was just awkward and comfortable as much as your junk being handled for 25 minutes could be.  But when I was done, walked out the door and into the car, I just felt almost like crying.  Don’t really know why, this was all part of the plan and I certainly don’t want to go through the rigors of having another baby, but all the same, this involuntary and reflexive wave of sadness just kind of washed up and I felt pretty sad.

I know I can be a headcase about things, but I feel like I’m kind of on my own here, at least as far as people I know who have also had vasectomies.  I asked a few of my friends if they felt sad afterward, and the consensus is pretty much no, so maybe it is just a me thing, but I’d wager that there are plenty of men out there who can relate, but then against we have people who lose their shit over the opening sequence of Up, and many who don’t too.

If I had to guess, it probably has to do with the sheer finality of the whole thing.  Sure, vasectomies are technically reversible, but it’s one of those things that just because they are doesn’t mean anyone wants to go through with it, and I’m at peace knowing I won’t father any more kids, but it’s just the fact that it’s a decision sealed with a laser that makes it feels a little heavy handed.  For all intents and purposes, this was done to be a permanent measure, and there’s something about said permanence that seems to trigger emotion within me.

Otherwise, what a day it’s been afterward.  Got to go to Willy’s and get some nachos, even if they were prepared horribly by some white guy that looked like Bill Burr, chilled at home while waiting to see if I would have any pain that wasn’t already there from going to the gym for the first time in a month, as my office was shut down due to malfunctioning elevators.  I took a nap for the first time in like forever, and woke up to discover that there was some pretty substantial leadership transitions going on at my company, and that another elevator malfunctioned and we might be back to another shutdown.

But the easy joke is that with me getting to rest, nap and eat rich food brought to me, is that I should have more vasectomies in the future to have these baller kinds of days, but at the same time, I don’t like feeling sad, so it’s really one of those weighing the pros and cons things, and that nothing in my life can happen without there being a correlating reaction somewhere else.

All the same, so ends my lineage as far as I’m concerned, it’ll be up to my kids and my sister’s kids in the future if there’s any hope for my family’s genetics to continue on.

Dad Brog (#142): Ending the pipeline

I’m not really sure how this post is going to turn out, but there’s inherently a lot of thoughts swirling around my head to the point where I feel like I should write something about it, but I’m getting a vasectomy.

Despite the fact that mythical wife and I are most certainly, definitely, irrefutably done with having any kids, admittedly there’s still something there in the noggin about the sheer finality of getting the snip, and although they are supposedly reversible, the intent is clear – I am not going to have any more kids ever again.  This, was always part of the plan, and yet there’s something, perhaps it’s the fact that I’ll have to have a surgery and I’ve never had any sort of surgery in my life before, or maybe it’s just the finality of the intent and scenario of it that has me feeling a little weird.

Make no mistake though, I don’t want anymore kids.  We don’t want anymore kids, mythical wife and I.  There is a 0% chance that I’m going to chicken out and not go through with it, not to mention the fact that I’ll be out $300 if I did, and I fucking hate the idea of wasted money as much as anything else, but I’d be lying if I weren’t feeling some strange feelings of apprehension and melancholy about what I’m going to go through.

But despite all the weird feelings and emotions, I know it in my head that I’m 100% making the right call and I will have no regrets afterward.  I have my children, they’re perfect and they’re all I want, and I have no desire to father anymore kids in my life.  Despite how many times I’ve been strapped for cash in my life and despite the curiosity and the enticement of getting paid to pleasure myself, I’ve never donated sperm before; I don’t want any mystery kids borne of a random selection in a catalog to a woman I don’t know showing up in my life later on.  As far as I am concerned, my genetics are ending, and if there was ever some form or archaic desire for my family’s genes to continue on, then that’s up to my daughters to do, if they ever so choose to procreate in the future.

Plus, the world is going backwards, and somehow women pretty much have fewer reproductive rights than they did before I was born which is a whole other can of worms that tends to make me feel sad for my wife, my daughters, and all the women in the world that I have care for, so it genuinely feels like I’m doing my part of being responsible, and being an ally by going through with a vasectomy, especially since I am most definitely done with having any additional children.

The last thing my household needs to have in their lives is an oops situation, where corrective measures couldn’t be utilized without becoming a fugitive, and the only legal alternative is to have another child, that wasn’t planned for.  Absolutely not.

So yeah, I’m going under the knife (or laser or whatever), and despite the weird state of mind the whole thing has me feeling as the clock ticks closer to my appointment, I know it in my head and in my heart that it is the right thing to do, and I will have no regrets about it.  I have my perfect kids, don’t want more, and mythical wife has done enough as far as shouldering the pain in the ass burden when it comes to further responsibilities.