This was my favorite picture that I took at MomoCon. It’s slightly out of focus, and the framing on it stinks because I was using a portrait lens and had to take like 15 steps back, and I hate making people wait for me to push the goddamn shutter as it is, so I admittedly rushed it.
However it’s still great because it’s the kind of picture that evokes a real response, in my opinion. I know I take way more pictures of girls than I do guys, and I’ll be the first to admit that I’m pretty selective and superficial when it comes to deciding on the things I want to take pictures of, but when the day is over, it’s pictures like Fiddlesticks versus a 6-year old Captain America that really makes me stop and smile at a picture that I took myself.
I could probably drag out a thousand word narrative like a low-rent Stephen King about everything that’s right about this picture, but I’ll just cut to the chase and say that I like this picture because I think it kind of captures the fun that conventions are supposed to be.
As far as picture taking goes, I do believe I have a lot of bad habits I need to break in the future, and that I probably need lots of reinforcement. Namely, I need to take my time. I have this inherent fear that I’m pissing people off if I’m taking too long to shoot a picture, and I know I rush when I feel like I’m inconveniencing someone. Frankly, if a person wants to diva up on me, then I probably wouldn’t want to take their picture anyway. There are way more talented people than me who might put up with it, but I won’t.
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