Photos: Dragon*Con 2015 – Sunday Friends

Finally, we come to Sunday’s gallery of friends and goofing around.

I don’t really know what to say about it by now, it’s already been three galleries full of doofy selfies with those I deem friends or acquaintances, and a whole bunch of random pictures of those more or less inside of my social circle(s) being goofy and posing silly for the camera.

However, the constant of that these are typically the images that I really enjoy looking through the most when reminiscing, remains the same.

Much love for errybody possibly seen in these pictures.

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Photos: Dragon*Con 2015 – Sunday Costumes

Finally, we arrive at Sunday’s costume gallery.  This is the last general costuming gallery for me, as I didn’t really stick around on Monday, and was gone fairly early in the afternoon, and had already packed up my camera.

Naturally, it’s packed full of League of Legends costumers, primarily.  If anyone were anything like me by Sunday, it’s like the convention as a royal entity, itself, was tired of all the Max Max and Jurassic Park costumes.

Anyway, there was still plenty left to catch my fancy, for hopefully some deemed acceptable pictures.

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Photos: Dragon*Con 2015 – Saturday Friends

It would be criminal for this photo to not get some sort of preferential treatment, so it basically sums up Saturday night’s goofing off, starting with Atlanta’s own King of Pops popsicle cart selling boozy popsicles much to the joy to those of us in the perpetual sauna-like Marriott.

Within, you’ll see a few more pictures from the Georgia Aquarium’s Dragon*Con Night, as well as the Maniac Mansion group that I missed some of, but my friends stuck around for a few extra shots, before the typical all hell broke loose and the parade of goofy pictures and selfies begins.

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Photos: Dragon*Con 2015 – Saturday Costumes

The good news is that I probably took more pictures on Saturday than I did on any other day, so after the lengthy gap in between getting Friday’s and Saturday’s pictures up, (I hope) the rest will go by somewhat more expediently.

Like the last costume gallery, I was being pretty meticulous about trying to take pictures in groups of threes, or at least presenting them in a way that was neat and orderly (kind of), because I’m psychotic like that and have such a strong need for organization.

Anyway, this was an entire day of picture taking at the convention, before escaping to the Georgia Aquarium for their own Dragon*Con Night, which was an interesting escape from the typical convention setting, getting to look at the awesome collection of aquatic life in between taking pictures of people in costume, before it was back to the hotels for the usual devolving into the nights of drinking and camaraderie.

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Photos: Dragon*Con 2015 – Friday Friends

Facts: man on left beat Edward Snowden in Tekken at an anime convention back in 2002.  Blonde girl is my first convention wife, blonde man is my identical twin brother, and the black guy introduced himself with a catchphrase about how his name was “easy to say, hard to spell.”  I have known all of these people for well over a decade.

I decided to do something different this year, as it pertains to sharing photos.  Now I like taking pictures of costumers, and I hope those costumers who ultimately visit my site hoping to find pictures of themselves are remotely satisfied with what they find here, but when the day is over, I still enjoy seeing the more personal pictures, of friends and acquaintances that are sporadically taken throughout the course of the convention.

And since I’m being all anal-retentive about my rules of three, or at least neatly-curated galleries, I decided to separate all the photos of my friends and people doing goofy stuff from the galleries of costumes.  I figure most people will come for costumes, but it’s the friends that might peruse the friends galleries.  That, and because I’m efficient (code for “lazy”), it’s easier on me, because I separate the photos prior to processing them, I spend less time color correcting these more candid pictures, nor do I watermark them.

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Photos: Dragon*Con 2015 – Friday Costumes

Since I’m the low man on the totem pole at my job, I had the unfortunate task of having had to work on the Friday of Dragon*Con.  That being said, I didn’t arrive to the convention until like 6 p.m., which certainly ate into the times of the day in which I simply like to wander around and take pictures of costumes that cater to my interests.

Needless to say, the total photo count isn’t really that high, but I still felt like I had a decent amount of time to wander and snap pictures.

My approach this year was that I wanted to snap shots in increments of three; mostly on account of the gallery settings I use in which I like knowing that every costume gets their own row, and there’s no odd-persons out with people having to be broken up in multiple rows.  So, it’s going to be very apparent that I’d been taking multiple photographs of everyone I chose to take pictures of.

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Photos: Dragon*Con 2015 – Thursday


Anyway, despite the fact that I wasn’t originally anticipating on going on Thursday night due to needing to work the next day, I found myself sweating up a storm in the Marriott regardless, while wandering around and taking a few pictures.

Needless to say, there are not that many pictures from Thursday night, but there were some notable costumes that I enjoyed seeing.

The rest of the galleries will be broken up between costume, doofy friends pictures, and a photoshoot I did; and will unfortunately take substantially more time, as I have over 500 photos to sort and comb through, not to mention edit and process.

So hang tight, check back often, and hopefully enjoy your visits, there will be plenty of Dragon*Con 2015-related posts for a little while.

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