Now that’s salty

This is an illustration I did back in the winter, that I had submit to Udon when they were compiling artwork for the Capcom Fighting Tribute book they recently released.  Now anyone who has or has seen the book already knows that I did not make it in.

Admittedly, for someone who has to deal with rejection and criticism on a fairly regular basis in my line of work, this was a tough pill for me to swallow, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t dejected, deflated, and downright resentful for not making it in.  Me, and likely hundreds of other artists who undoubtedly ended up in the same boat.

Sure, I’m not the most talented illustrator out there, and I’m by no means entitled to have been a shoe-in to make it into the book.  I knew this when I decided to put forth the effort to do this in the first place, but there was tactic behind my choice of artwork, where I tried to accentuate strengths and hide weakness.  I went with a lesser-heralded Capcom property like Final Fight, instead of the heavy Street Fighter and Morrigan’s tits AKA Darkstalkers routes that would likely saturate the submission pool, and I took a route of humor, hoping portraying a popular video game trope, like the trash can chicken for full health restoration, illustrated out, might warrant some recognition.

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What the hell is Ken wearing in Street Fighter V?

Impetus: Street Fighter V trailer reveals availability of iconic character, Ken.

Knee-jerk reactions:

  • Street Fighter V has now caught up to the animated series Street Fighter II: V, which was known primarily as “Street Fighter V.”
  • Video shows a severe dearth of Dragon Punches, the move that Ken excelled at over than any of the other Shotaclones, but a boatload of Hurricane Kicks, the move that Ryu supposedly got the favor of
  • What the hell is Ken wearing???

At this point, gameplay doesn’t really matter to me.  I’m so far removed from the fighting game scene, that all I am is a nostalgic bystander who reminisces about how good I used to be at Street Fighter Alpha, and anything prior.  Seriously, I’ve played my copy of SFIV like, twice.

However, that doesn’t mean that I can’t make snap judgments and make social commentary about the property that I’m still somewhat interested in, from a plot standpoint.

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Combos are so fucking stupid

I was chatting with some bros on Facebook about the upcoming PC version of Killer Instinct that was announced at E3, and naturally whenever the topic of Killer Instinct arises, you have to talk about combos, and of course c-c-c-combo breakers.

I made a remark about how the reboot should allow for combo hit counter to exceed the three digit mark, as in the old Killer Instinct, the combo hit counter topped out at 99, regardless of how many hits you registered afterward.  I was quickly shown a video clip of the 2013 version of Killer Instinct that I wasn’t even aware even existed, and how not only has the combo hit counter exceeded the three digit mark, it’s surpassed the four digit mark.  The video is over 24 minutes long, and yep, the player in the video executes a combo that is 2,603 hits.

Two thousand, six hundred, and three hits.

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Re: Final Fantasy Meh-ven Remake

Impetus: E3 announcement that Final Fantasy VII is being remade occurs, people lose their shit.

The most interesting thing about this whole thing is seeing just how much this is dividing up my friends list on Facebook.  As usual, it’s a tale of extremes, because either people are rabidly excited for it, or they’re fiercely hostile towards the notion of this FF7 being remade.  And then there’s the passive-aggressive bickering amongst the two factions, as well as people like me who are more fascinated with the social chaos of it all, rather than the actual news itself.

Frankly, put me in the camp that is less than lukewarm about this announcement.  I feel that it’s more or less a copout by Squeenix to dust off a classic, pretty it up, and re-release it, rather than y’know, trying to come up with something new and innovative and make one more tick-mark closer to the inevitable Final Fantasy XX, which will basically mark the end of video games as a whole.

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Photos: MomoCon 2015, Friday

Without further ado, here are pictures I took from the Friday of this year’s MomoCon.

There aren’t a tremendous amount of pictures in general, because I’m a picky picture taker that gives favoritism towards friends, fandoms and nostalgia, and I have a tendency to pass over things I’ve seen before, unless I’m that enamored by them that much.

This particular day, I was using a wide-angle lens which is great at taking pictures at close range while still being able to get a wide expanse of view, but I’m an amateur that never practices, so the focusing on it was questionable sometimes.

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J.K. Rowling ripped off Castlevania II

MomoCon related: to all like two new visitors I may have of people looking for pictures of themselves, I’m currently in the midst of editing photos when I’m not writing about nonsensical stuff like this.  I didn’t take that many pictures at the convention, so check back later on this week, and they’ll all likely be up no later than week’s end.

Anyway, over the weekend, I found myself watching the tail end of Harry Potter: The Half-Blood Prince on television, and I had this amazing revelation, when Dumbledore was telling Harry the general idea of how Voldemort had immortalized himself by use of horcruxes.  And how all seven of them had to be located (and destroyed) so that Voldemort could be made mortal again, so that he could be vanquished once and for all.

Granted, I’ve seen the film before long before this past weekend, but I never thought about it until recently; but the revelation was that I had heard this exact plot before, and it was literally almost two full decades before Half-Blood Prince had even been released.  It’s basically the exact same concept as Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest.

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Xbox achievements are lame now

Back in the ancient days of the Xbox 360, I really enjoyed Xbox achievements. I spent way more time than I care to admit trying to lock down every single achievement in Left 4 Dead.

I used exploits to assist in beating Expert, I changed the difficulty to Easy to farm massive numbers of zombies to kill, and all sorts of tactics to nail down all available 1,000 gamer points.

There was once a night where I managed to wrangle together seven other people, and we played a patsy of a 4v4 game, where we all took turns trying to farm down achievements, such as the one that involved puking on all four survivors simultaneously, one special infected incapacitating all four survivors, and so forth.

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