If only I could put into words just how awesome I feel about myself when it comes to my Adobe InDesign comprehension, and then put those words onto my resume and subsequent cover letters.  I’d imagine I’d have not only a job, but a permanent Russian hooker underneath my desk for the rockstar ability I like to boast.

I’m fairly confident that I’ve already exceeded simply impressing my temporary peers with what I’ve demonstrated thus far, but after the events of today, I like to think that I may have convinced them that I’m like the grand weezard of InDesign here.  In seven business days, I have improved upon templates developed in a time when Adobe PageMaker was the norm, and tackled three projects deemed “too tedious to do,” because of my InDesign knowledge.

Because of me, this place will no longer have to manually adjust final PDFs, and insert covers, legal pages, tables of contents into proper order, since I showed them how to section off pages within the ID documents and create proper sequential page numbering.  Because of me, this company can actually justify throwing out their Adobe PageMaker installation disks that amazingly, they actually still have, and handed to me in preparation for the “too tedious to do” project.  Little did they realize just how seamless a .PMD file converts into an ID format until shown by me.

Seriously, aside from the egregious boasting, self-high fiving, and literary fellating I’m giving myself, if any company that had a position that was purely InDesign based, and they passed up on me, they would legitimately be brain dead.  Not just brain dead, but physically dead as result of becoming brain dead, and their corpse dug up, lobotomized, and having someone urinate on their dead brain before letting it rot for worms and crows.  I’m that confident in my InDesign skillz.

Brogging of the mundane

Burglary update

finally managed to get a hold of the Fulton County prosecutor aide in regards to the thugs that tried to rob my home back in October.  Honestly, given the lack of effort exerted by the county, I figured that I had heard the last of them after the initial arrest of the hoods.  I called every number and contact I was given, with no response.  In fact, I had to hound this person in order to respond to a letter they had sent to me.  Apparently wanted to let me know that their bond pleas have been denied a second time, and one more denial, and then they’re going to actual, court-court.  But it’s comforting to know that since their arrest back on October 27th, they’ve been in jail since.

Continue reading “Brogging of the mundane”

Random thoughts

~Wordpress app does not appear to have bulleted list option.
~The place I’m working at now, where I park my car is directly across the street from the Cheetah, which is like the “classiest” (read: best) strip club in the city of Atlanta.
~Some bathrooms, are just so suitable to just play Angry Birds for good chunks of time.
~The work I’m doing is boring as fuck, but the pay is great. I’m not really complaining.
~There are a noticeable amount of Koreans around here, from the deli I went to yesterday and an actual Korean colleague in my remote department. It’s kind of an alien feeling to me, to be perfectly honest.
~I’m also the youngest person in this office, I’m pretty sure. I haven’t been the youngest designer in any place for a few years, and I have to admit this too is also an odd feeling for me again. There simply aren’t really any cool people here, as nice as everyone else seems to be.

I have been put into a foul mood today

Yesterday, my computer was infected with the mother of all AIDS and took me many many hours to alleviate.  Regardless of its supposed cleared status right now, I am contemplating backing all my shit up and completely reloading this machine, this time to Windows 7.  Conclusively, this has laid down the ground work for what’s so far been a lousy weekend.

I have not yet received my copy of the Atlanta Braves annual that I contributed to despite being promised a copy once it hit news stands, which it has today.  Response has been positive from those not cheap enough to talk the talk and actually buy one, and those educated enough to actually want to purchase one.  Given the fact that I’m one of the authors of the book itself, I’m anticipating it greatly, and regardless of the fact that I am going to be getting a free copy … eventually, I’m very tempted to cash in a Borders coupon and going to buy one so I can just have one on my terms.

I have a headache that I can’t seem to shake, even two aspirins and caffeine in.  I’m also in the mindset that is in a state of perpetual agitation, since I haven’t worked in the last three days of the week, and I’m coming to the realization that no matter how hard I try to with my talent agency, without my ace in the hole, I can’t seem to get any gainful work out of them.  Subsequently, as a result of the negative state of mind, I happen to think the world is full of uneducated, ADD-minded simpletons who rather communicate in 140 characters or less about trivial shit, than enlighten and educate themselves on something with substance.

Traveling sounds like it would’ve been a good idea this weekend, but I don’t know where to travel to anymore these days.  I wish I knew more people in places that are easy-to-access Delta hub regions, where I could fly easily and fairly inexpensively to on a whim, because frankly, I just don’t really feel like being home right now, and the lack of working sort of puts the handcuffs on my spending habits to excess.

Funny story

I got a call from the agency this morning.  An opportunity arose, and they thought of me immediately, because of where it was, and the impeccable timing that I would be available again right as they were looking.  The moment I heard the words “convenient location,” and “Are you familiar with . . . ” I literally cringed, because I feared the name of the company that they were about to say.

Y’see, I applied at this company, and it’s currently #1 on my list of places I’d want to work, primarily for the location, but also because the job listing, and my job duties at this place would fit me like OJ Simpson’s glove (perfectly, damn it).  One of the good things applying for this company was the fact that I had never freelanced there before, so a finder’s fee would not be come into play if I were to make it through.  But anyway.

Are you familiar with [name of my #1 choice company]?

Yeah, big shocker.

Long story short, I told them that I was indeed familiar with company X, and that I would love to get my foot in the door with them and do some work for them, but if doing a freelance gig is going to jeopardize my chances at getting the full-time position with them, I would regrettably, have to decline on this freelance opportunity.

I didn’t really think my very first opportunity was going to result in this, but looking back, I can’t really say I’m surprised.  In a perfect world, the agency peeps will find a way to convince company X to agree to a contract-to-perm situation, bring me in as a freelancer to give me a test drive, find out they fucking love my awesomeness, and transition me into full time with little concern to the correlating finders fees.

But the world ain’t perfect, so this is probably not going to happen.  So it’s hoping for the best on my own accord, with clenched anoos and fingers crossed.

Oh goody

Just as I’ve really been able to settle into a nice routine of working out, sleeping sensibly, doing boring work while affording myself a lot of time for brogging or other personal writing endeavors, all while getting paid well, slightly seeing a little bit of financial breathing room, and dealing with a 30-mile commute that believe it or not, doesn’t suck . . . I find out today that tomorrow’s my last day, barring an apocalypse of work that would warrant needing me to stay longer.

Since I can’t really email this back to them

Hey Danny,
I was actually going to let you know we had someone start this week. I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you. We would certainly love to have you temp with us again. We are very busy these day so hopefully I will see you soon!

I was actually going to let you know.

Bullshit you were. This was in response to me sending a follow-up email.

I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you.

No you’re not. I hope the cheaper alternative to hiring me sucks a fat fucking cock. You had a lot more leverage than you thought you did, and I am fairly certain you could have gotten me hired.

We would certainly love to have you temp with us again. We are very busy these day so hopefully I will see you soon!

This makes one of us.

If taking a temp job for 1-5 business days puts me in a situation where I’ll never get to be hired by a company because I’ve got a finder’s fee attached to me for a day’s worth of work, I may have to start refusing short jobs.

Rejection, I can handle. But not getting a job I was more than qualified for, because of a finder’s fee, and the people that could have gotten me hired too fucking lazy to vouch for me does infuriate me. Not to mention being a scenario where I couldn’t even speak to deciding parties to try and figure something out on my own is bullshit too.