A tribute to the best pair of athletic shoes I’ve ever owned

With the completion of the muddy and miserable-conditioned zombie run, it’s time I retire these shoes once and for all.  They are without question the best pair of athletic shoes I’ve ever owned, and to say that I’ve gotten my worth out of them is a complete understatement.

Believe it or not, but I’ve had them since 2007.  Now I know that most people who exercise on a fairly regular basis would chide such absurdity as keeping one pair of shoes for so long as I’ve done, but frankly, I’ve never seen the necessity in replacing them.  Either I have tough-like-an-African feet, or I simply got used to and coped with the deterioration of the soles, padding and tread throughout the last five years…

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Doughnuts and Gluttony

Time to bust out another piece from the transition period – thankfully, this is the last one.  I had a lot more in the past, but they couldn’t wait, and ended up being posted to the old site anyway.

I wrote this one the night after running in the Krispy Kreme Challenge a few weekends ago.  I was feeling like crap having eaten nothing but crap for two straight days, and a dozen donuts didn’t exactly help the cause either.

Basically the summary of it all is that despite the fun I’ve had the last two years, I don’t plan on running in the Krispy Kreme Challenge again, unless there are others willing to do it.  It’s just one of those things that I’m wondering if it’s worth punishing my body for the amusement of nobody but myself?  Nah, I’d rather do this with friends, but that’s right, none of my friends really likes running and doing crazy shit like this.

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