
I once said that I would stop at five, since my shelf only carries five.  But then my best friend got married, and nothing other than a WWF Tag Team belt seemed like an adequate gift for the occasion.  So I said I would stop at six, but then Cody Rhodes began brandishing the old school WWF Intercontinental Title belt, and it was at that moment that I decided that I needed to have one too.

Although I would have loved to have gotten the snazzy white strap IC belt like Rhodes’, when I came across this black strap belt on eBay, the price was too difficult to ignore.  In the end, I sniped this Intercontinental Title for roughly $100 less than what a typical white strap belt goes for, so I don’t really feel like I settled.  This sets things up more adequately if I ever want to do any gaudy wrestling costumes for future DragonCon/Halloweens, like the Macho Man or Honky Tonk Man.

So the question is, will I stop at seven belts?  The answer is likely no.  Although it’s never necessarily been my favorite belt of all the options, the WCW World Championship belt (AKA The Big Gold Belt), or any of it’s WWE-version reincarnations would have to be number eight.  With that, I would feel as if my collection could be complete.  And the best part is, The Big Gold Belt is fairly common, therefore the general cost of one probably wouldn’t be more than any of my existing belts.  But I’ve spent enough money over the last few weeks now, and will put such a notion on hold for the time being.  Maybe if I bank enough winnings in Vegas, I can take a gander.