Regardless of what you’ve been told, there IS an expiration date

Again, that is. Apparently, for the second time in the last eight years, Hostess is going bankrupt. Not that I eat them with any regularity, but such news makes me want to run out to Publix during lunch and pick up some Ho-Hos and some Twinkies while I still can, if the company really does go under.

But really, the point of posting this at all, is so I could make the very obvious, but always relevant Zombieland reference.

Racism lol

And it’s not even February yet, geez.

And people have the audacity to be critical towards me for finding sadistic enjoyment in racist humor.  At least I don’t go deliberately trying to spread my jaded perspective of the world onto children in a classroom environment:

The question was a word problem that said, “Each tree had 56 oranges. If eight slaves pick them equally, then how much would each slave pick?”

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