Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I went an entire seven-day stretch where I didn’t at least post even the fluffiest of fluff on my brog. It had to have been somewhere back in that one month in that one year where I only made eight posts in total. But it’s not like it’s because I’ve hit writer’s block, or had nothing to talk about, or that the City of Atlanta hasn’t given me something to write about. It’s hard to really say if I’ve even really been busy over the last week or so; now I don’t really want to write something for the sake of writing something, but the truth is, I stop and think about the last week or so, and I can’t really say that anything has really happened for me.
One of my cousins got married over the weekend, which was pretty much the brunt of the last few days, since I spent some time buying myself a nice new suit, and then there was the wedding affair itself, which was pretty much everything I thought it was going to be. The ceremony was pleasant, and I’m legitimately happy for my cousin, but it was still kind of a bittersweet affair to me, because of some of the turmoil surrounding my immediate family, and what could possibly going on through my mom’s head throughout the whole time.