It’s not every day people jump out of moving vehicles

This morning, it took somewhere around 90-100 minutes to get into work, capping off a truly horrendous work week of bad, lengthy commutes.  Atlanta traffic is pretty bad in its own right, which is obviously no secret to anyone, but five straight days of abysmal commutes is enough to drive anyone insane.

However, the circumstances to this morning’s bad commute were different, and erred a bit into the extreme, as it was revealed that the nature of what many believed was just a typical bad accident turned out to be a frightening tale of a person jumping out of a moving vehicle and subsequently getting hit on the highway.  Subsequently, all lanes of the highway were shut down, causing a massive delay that I happened to be in.  But it’s also scary to think that if I were even ahead of schedule by anywhere from 2-4 minutes, I probably could have witnessed the incident, or worse, been the car that hit the person after they jumped out of a moving vehicle.  In that regard, I guess a long-ass commute doesn’t seem so bad in comparison.

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I endorse this policy

Long story short: United Airlines is cracking down on people who abuse the lax enforcement of carry-on belongings, and will eventually begin sending people back to the ticket counter to check excessive luggage for a fee.

I support this fully.  When’s Delta going to get in on this?

Seriously though, I fly more frequently than the average person does, so I’ve witnessed beyond my share of inconsiderate people who bring a U-Haul’s worth of crap onto aircrafts, and stuff the overhead bins full before the second two-thirds of passengers can even set foot onto the plane.  It makes me feel ecstatic to see that there’s an airline that’s willing to finally push back at these greedy assholes who think that it’s perfectly acceptable for them to stuff their non-regulation size roll-aboard horizontally, along with their meticulously folded coat, as well as their purse/satchel/messenger bag, so that they can have the floor in front of them completely clear and spacious for their feet for when they inevitably lean back and sleep while snoring; in the seat right in front of yours, naturally.

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Of course there’s a problem

I am not one of the privileged that may have already received my order.  So it looks like I will be experiencing a “slight” shipping delay of one to four weeks for my fucking bacon cap.

Honestly, this really isn’t that much of a surprise; after all, the Iron Pigs are affiliates of the Phillies, who well, suck.

But god damn it, I really want my bacon cap.

Why are people so fascinated by lists?

Throughout any given work day, there are a handful of sites that I peruse for entertainment, education or just to plain pass the time.  Generally, I like to be somewhat in tune with the news of what’s going on locally in Atlanta, what’s going on in the country to some capacity, and to read about stuff that interests me like baseball, video games, and LoL.  I enjoy keeping my mind stimulated by interesting content, and it also helps pass the time, when I have an excess of it.

One of the sites I regularly visit because I think they occasionally have some decent content, I made a mistake of clicking on an “article” that was about stars of today when they were child actors.  Admittedly, it appealed to my nostalgic side before I realized what I was clicking into, and then it turned out to be this putrid list that contained maybe 70 words, several animated gifs, some YouTube videos, and was a cherry-picked list of fairly C-level actors that clearly are niche preferred by the writer (they don’t deserved to be called an author).

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Too easy

So wait.  You’re telling me a place called “Hood Mart” was busted for all sorts of illegal activity, including drugs and piracy?

Now what ever could have possibly led to the suspicion that ultimately resulted in the necessity for a SWAT raid with armored vehicles?

Seriously though, I don’t know if it was arrogance or ignorance to open up a joint called Hood Mart and put it in a section of town that’s generally perceived to be well, the hood.  A part of me wants to believe that it’s like that one episode of Batman the Animated Series where a property owner switches the theme of his casino to the Joker, anticipating that the real Joker will object and destroy the place, to which he could cash in on a lucrative insurance policy that just so happened to have been conveniently applied.

I think CBS Atlanta really needs to be keeping an eye out on the name of whomever owns the property that Hood Mart is on, and see if there’s insurance policies in place for like if the tenants get the place ransacked by the police or something.

Zelda fights aren’t as epic in real life

Long story short: girl has argument with live-in boyfriend, girl calls ex-husband for consoling. Ex-husband arrives to house, confrontation with boyfriend erupts. Boyfriend happens to be a Link-cosplaying nerd, runs to Lost Woods bedroom to grab Master Sword replica to defend himself with. Husband is stabbed and slashed a few times by very real-bladed sword, but gets in some offense himself by breaking a pot over boyfriend’s head, before authorities arrive.

Imagine the arrogant, shit-eating grin on my face while I was reading this. Some days it’s really difficult for me to find something to write about, but occasionally there’s a story like this that just makes writing so fun.

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Let’s talk about dying

I just want to start off by saying that me talking about death and dying is by no means any indication that I’m in an extreme state of depression or contemplating killing myself or anything horrific like that.  It’s just been something that’s been on my mind a lot lately, and to me, it’d be a waste to not at least address it in writing, and try and work the thoughts out and try and interpret some meaning from them.

Anyway, not to get too far into the drama between my separating parents, but there is a particular outstanding conflict that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, and is causing a lot of angst within my immediate family.  It all narrows down to my dad’s paranoia and conspiracy theories, but a new revelation learned over my last visit was the belief that he wasn’t going to live that long.  He’s by no means elderly, but according to my dad, he seems to believe that he’s not going to live to the age in which his parents passed.  Be it cancer or some other terminal illness, he doesn’t think he’s going to live to 80 much less 90, citing such substantial evidence as “I can feel it” and uses that as justification to hang onto the residence that’s really more than what one solitary person really needs.

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