In the (paraphrased) words of the great Dave Hester: YUUUP. There’s money to be made, as long as you’re willing to put forth the effort.
I just bought a new camera. I am now excitedly anticipating its arrival, and I look forward to it being my primary equipment when I travel to conventions, baseball parks, and any other social events where having a camera might be a good idea.
My current, soon to be former camera is a Canon EOS Rebel T3 (1100D). I have enjoyed it, I think I’ve taken a few good pictures with it, and it’s been a great introductory piece of equipment into my foray as a stereotypical Azn Guy With A Big Camera, but I think I was pining for a change. Not that I’m some great photographer, heaven’s no, I’m the first person to deny the title of “photographer,” but I did feel that the T3 was beginning to constrict my ambitions as a person who likes to take pictures. So I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for a potential upgrade.