I saw a commercial for the new Guitar Hero game, and when the logo flashed on screen at the end of the spot, I couldn’t help but think that I’ve seen this logo before. Upon looking at the logo some more, it dawned on me that it was basically the same font as the JJ Abrams rebooted Star Trek franchise’s logo.
Granted, upon putting them directly next to one another for direct comparison reveals that they’re not 100% identical, but at first blush, my designer’s eye is basically seeing “the Star Trek font” when I see the new Guitar Hero’s logo.
For all intents and purposes, Star Trek’s typeface is probably derived from an existing font, with slight modifications made to it to (attempt to) make it their own, but as far back as I can recollect, Star Trek did come first, therefore, I immediately associate it to them when I see any instance of a similar font being used.