It’s funny how my sports allegiances change throughout the years. There was a time when I was all aboard the Red Sox bandwagon, and was clinging on every at-bat and pitch in the 2004 playoffs. I used to detest the Houston Astros because they kept knocking the Braves out of the playoffs, and Roger Clemens pitched for them, but now I don’t have any gripe with them at all. There was once a time where I loathed the Chicago Cubs, and rooted vehemently for the St. Louis Cardinals to win the World Series. One thing, however I don’t think stands much chance at changing, and that’s that I still detest the San Francisco Giants.
However, I’m warming up to the Cubs lately. Now, I’ll still be pulling for the Braves, ironically, since this is the last year at Turner Field, but the reality is that they’re just as likely to lose 90, and hopefully 100+ this season, no matter how much I may or may not want them to do well when I go to see them. And so since it’s actually nice to have a team to pull for that actually has a chance at doing well, I think if there’s any team out there that I might root for on the side, it might just be the Cubs.