This is what’s wrong with sports: theOhio State defensive end Nick Bosa drops out of school after getting injured to “prepare for the NFL draft”
This is the very definition of what is wrong with sports, and Nick Bosa is the very definition of a entitled dumbass who has clearly put all of his eggs into one basket; which naturally makes me disrespect his lack of intelligence and therefore makes me want to see him fail.
But basically, what we have here is a story of a highly-touted star athlete with professional aspirations who got injured. But instead of rehabbing his injury and staying in school while doing so, he drops out, and cites that he needs to prepare for the NFL draft.
I know I rag on theOhio State a lot, and I never tire of seeing them lose. But the fact of the matter is that famous schools are rich schools, and rich schools are often prosperous schools, even for those pleebs enrolled that aren’t student athletes and play football. To justify their position in the collegiate world, theOhio State is still a very good school for academics, and sure it’s no secret that the vast majority of football players don’t actually have to learn anything and are handed phony-but-still-legitimate degrees, but that’s still contingent of them sticking around long enough in order to fulfill their credit hours.
Nick Bosa dropping out of school because his football season prematurely ended is basically the greatest message of how unimportant education is as long as you can play a sport. He pretty much had a free ride for a free degree, as long as he could throw his body against other meatheads and occasionally rush a quarterback 4-5 times a game. An injury wouldn’t have ceased such a sweet deal, because technically Bosa was a junior, and as long as there was the thought that he could come back and keep playing, the free ride would have undoubtedly continued. And even if everyone already didn’t know he was going to go pro after 2018, it’s not like theOhio State could just pull the rug out from under him and renege on the scholarship, unless he was just straight up a criminal or something.
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