‘Tis the season, I guess

I was driving around one day, and I stumbled upon this black Santa Claus statue.  I know there’s a defiant, black power kind of mentality that leads to creations like this, but typically, racial chips on the shoulder aside, Santa Claus has always typically been portrayed as a whitey.

I mean, lookit – Santa Claus, Jesus Christ, the Easter Bunny: all whiteys.  Black people worship the same Jesus as all the other cultures and religions that worship Jesus, but they don’t see fit to alter his image.  Why does Santa Claus get denegrated in the style of Blacula in this instance?

I don’t really get it, but whatever, it’s not my house.  ‘Tis the season to spread racial agenda.  Seeing as how I hadn’t seen this in any prior years, I wonder if some of the country folk living outside of the region will be offended by this statue.  I wonder if it will actually make it out of December intact?

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