Hi brog, I’ve been busy lately

It’s not that I’m neglecting my brog, but the truth of the matter is that I actually kind of have been busy this month.  A couple things have happened that had necessitated some travel, a couple things have happened that have consumed a good deal of my personal time, and lastly I’m once again taking part in National Novel Writing Month, which is pretty much taking up the rest of everything else.  The quest to put down 50,000 words in a 30-day span, which I sometimes wonder why I do other than personal torment.

As of now, I’m in great shape, well ahead of the pace, and currently sitting at around 27,500+ words.  I would never share this putrid story with anyone else, but if I could describe it in a brief synopsis, think SyFy channel, but way worse better.  I’m actually wondering if I could sell this to SyFy after I finish as a potential screenplay.

I’ll admit that ever since I have gotten on the Facebook wagon, that I haven’t been writing as much on my brog either.  Granted, most of my October was spent on two long vacations, and this has been a month of literary writing abandon, but it’s not like I don’t have any opportunity to brog anymore, either.  Sometimes I find myself wondering if I should write something on my brog, in 300 words or more, or if I should dumb it down to a succinct statement and share it on Facebook instead.  Ultimately, my brog will always mean more to me than Facebook will, but I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve written things as Facebook status updates that I might have turned into more elaborate posts here.

But the reason I sat down and started typing this is that I’ve got a feeling on my mind lately, and for whatever reason, felt like putting in writing.  Personally right now, I think that things are pretty okay for me lately.  I can’t really say that I’ve got any real problems at the moment, for which I do certainly feel fortunate about.  Other than the self-loathing feeling of roneriness that comes and goes whenever I’m around other people, the important things seem to be under check.  Knocking on wood.

However, I can’t really say the same for a bunch of people around me these days.  And I kind of feel like I have nobody to really speak with lately sometimes, because a lot of the people I typically speak with on a regular basis are understandably wrapped up in their own personal affairs these days.  No doubt, they are important things that require a great deal of care and attention, and I’ll do everything I can to help and support my friends and family out, but the fact that its potentially distracting, distressing and draining on them, sometimes feels like it trickles onto me, simply for being involved.

Obviously, the world does not revolve around me, so I most certainly do not hold it against people for dealing with their own matters.  But I’m not going to lie, things aren’t bad for me lately, but it’s hard to feel that way sometimes because of all of the things happening to the people around me.  Am I too involved, and is that a good thing that I’m potentially that close with some people?  Or am I coming off as sounding selfish for wanting better fortunes for others, so that I can feel good about feeling positive?

There’s my food for thought lately.

I will get back to more frequent brogging as I finish up my Nanowrimo for 2012, and from the random observations of the world around me, and the random things that I sometimes do with my life.  But until then, hopefully I’ll actually make more than ten posts in the month of November.

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