So, like a day after I pretty much anoint what I thought was my favorite Miss Fortune, I come across this Miss Fortune costumer. And it’s kind of one of those situations, like a Ben Stiller-Owen Wilson kind of movie, where a guy gets engaged to a really good looking woman, but like at the night of the engagement, he sees/meets a new woman that really piques his interest, and then the awkward plot of the film is born.
Now I’ll stand by my opinion that I really like the photo of the first Miss Fortune costumer, but I have to say that in comparison of total packages, this one well, blows her away. Eviscerates her. I say with an awkward cringe that it’s not even really a comparison. It’s one of those situations where I guess it’s kind of good there’s a language barrier and the fact that my brog gets probably like six hits a day, with four of them being me, because she probably won’t see these remarks.
But I think it’s pretty much a layup that as far as my little world is concerned, we have a winner of Miss Fortune costumers here.
Aside from the obvious aesthetic appeal on all the obvious accounts, I simply think she just, nails it. The more I look at this particular picture, the more I appreciate it.
However, as much as I can appreciate aesthetic appeal, what really blows me away about this MF costume is the mind-blowing amount of work, effort and attention to detail that went into this. I mean, I pat myself on the pack for taking a few pictures on my iPhone of the rudimentary-in-comparison way I’m constructing a LeBlanc staff, and try and write funny, but this kind of makes me feel like I rack disiprin and could do way better. Obviously, leatherwork and laser-cutting are out of my realm, but I do know a little something about the process of making tedious patterns and stencils in Illustrator and casting materials that makes me appreciate the immense amount of effort.
I find it humorous that the impetus to the entire costume was the guns (Shock and Awehhhhhhh). Not to take anything away from the construction of the guns as I do think they’re essentially perfect and I really appreciate the attention to scale and that they’re not like 300% larger than they should be. Not to mention that they have working triggers, which is unfathomably impressive IMO. But I kind of feel it’s like someone who really loves the steering wheel design of an Aston Martin, decides to replicate an Aston Martin steering wheel, and realizing that a steering wheel is incomplete without, a car, proceeds to build an excellent car around the steering wheel. This is not meant to be derogatory in any fashion; it’s just something that I find funny.
The bottom line is that from top to bottom, it’s a fantastic Miss Fortune costume. I think the girl is obviously attractive and physically convincing to pull it all off. But to me, the real appreciation goes towards the immense effort and detailed work that went into putting together such a complete package that kind of makes everything seem even more impressive than it already is.