RPG logic in real life

A funny thing happened while I was out in New York once.  My friend and I went out to the small town of Auburn, to try and catch the last of the minor league games we had planned to see, but several hours prior to the game, it began raining, and raining steadily.  At this point, it really began to look like the game was in jeopardy, but since we had come such a long way, we wanted to wait as long as possible, or for the team to officially cancel it before we made our next move.

There was a little bit of frustration as the rain continued to come, and make it look obvious, but not being from the area, we still weren’t completely sure on whether or not to get the hell out of dodge yet, or wait on.  But at this point, we needed a place to kill some time and not putter around out in the rain and waste gas.  So we went to a nearby bar.

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Dragon*Con 2013 Pictures: Sunday

Oh, Sunday night of Dragon*Con, the last night of the convention we so look forward to for an entire year.  Often times it’s the night we let the most loose, and for some of us (me) it’s the night we tend to get the drunkest.  Fortunately for me, there was no Four Loko in the house this year, so there was absolutely no way I was going to get a retarded drunk as I had gotten in previous years.  However, I did have a snazzy mason jar full of peach moonshine that I was sharing shots with, with several friends and acquaintances, and it appeared to go over pretty well with everyone.  I will definitely have to make a stop for more of this the next time I am passing through South Carolina.

A funny thing happened on Sunday of this year’s Dragon*Con.  In all of the years that I’d been attending, I couldn’t remember a single time when it actually rained substantially during the convention itself.  Maybe a morning drizzle or some light sprinkling, but never before had I seen a year where there was some spontaneous torrential downpour, and people fleeing into hotels and anywhere they could get refuge from the rain.

But anyway, this is a picture post, so I’ll keep the words to a minimum.  I’ll see about putting down my thoughts of the convention as a whole at another time perhaps, or unless I do it before posting this one on a timer, but forgetting to go back and delete this paragraph, lol.  Whatever happens, happens!

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Dragon*Con 2013 Pictures: Saturday

Saturday was without question the busiest and most packed I’ve ever seen Dragon*Con in all my years of attending it.  It got to points where nobody could really ever move anywhere, due to all the of the narrowing choke points and walkways with thousands of people trying to traverse at the same time, compounded by anyone in a wheelchair, needing a cane, or strollers or completely obtrusive costume props.

Like really, I typically love to just be out on the floors mingling, and wandering around looking for people.  But on more than one occasion the massive number of people, and the constantly escalating heat and humidity of the facility as a whole resulted in me feeling like the only place to go, was back to the room, where I could watch some college football while slamming a cold one, all in the name of simply cooling down.

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Dragon*Con 2013 Pictures: Friday

Moving onto Friday, the first official day of the convention; this is probably the largest of all my galleries, because I was pretty much doing nothing at all other than walking around and taking pictures.  Pssh, convention programming?  Please, I like dropping $1,200 on hotels, admission and parking just to do absolutely nothing but walk around and take pictures in a city I live in.

But really, sometimes I wonder if I’m a little bit crazy for doing it like that.  Seeing folks I don’t see on a regular basis, and the fact that D*C brings out the best in interesting costumes is about good enough for me.  I enjoy taking pictures, and then drinking with friends at night (or taking them to hospitals).

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Dragon*Con 2013 Pictures: Thursday

Despite having done Dragon*Con pretty much every year for the last 12 years or so, I’ve never done Thursday night.  From what I understand, it’s become somewhat of a thing over the last year or two, and what the cool kids all aspire to do, to arrive early and begin socializing and drinking a night (or two, now) before the convention even starts.

Anyway, this was the first time that I’ve done a Thursday night, since I’m fairly local, and dropping another $220 for an extra night wasn’t always the best idea in previous years, but I liked the idea of getting my socializing and drinking on a night early too.

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Marching through Triple-A Baseball: Rochester

It’s funny, when I know I’m going to minor league parks, I have this mindset that I’m going to be going into the tiniest dregs of civilization, and expecting to be the only Asian guy on their planets and expect to be treated with discrimination and prejudice.  Although such horrible treatment has never happened to me before (although almost in Jackson, MS), there’s kind of a general standard that is associated with the minor leagues.

That being said, it wasn’t until this trip got closer did it really dawn on me that Rochester is actually kind of a big deal of a city.  It’s not like a name I hadn’t ever heard of before like Zebulon or Fort Mill or Aberdeen; Rochester was a name that I knew as one of the more notable cities in the entire state of New York that seemed to flourish and exist outside of the general perception that NYC is the center of not only the state but the entire planet.

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SDCC: The 2013 Review

As the months turned into weeks, and the weeks narrowed down to days leading up to my first Comic-Con, I didn’t really know what to expect. Typically, I don’t go to any conventions with a whole lot of expectations because I am pretty boring like that, and I tend to prefer to let things happen as they come, and to simply roll with the punches. The only sentiment that I was really forewarned about was to prepare for lines, and lots and lots of lines.

To cut to the chase, I can say that I had a pretty good time out in San Diego, and Comic-Con itself was pretty worth it. I’ll admit that there was a moment in which I grew exasperated with the incessantly endless crowds and I thought that I wouldn’t want to come back, but as the convention went on and I figured out how to cope with, and avoid them, that sentiment dwindled. I’d consider going back again if the opportunity presented itself.

The thing is, this is not going to be a review where I gush about how Comic-Con was the greatest experience of my life and how that it was the best convention evar. In the grand spectrum of things, I had a good trip, but I don’t feel the need to sugar coat or not mention the things about it that are worth mentioning, good or bad. Which is kind of another way of saying that I did have some gripes, but I’m going to try and be as eloquent as I can when addressing them. But really, there was a lot to like about the event as well.

This is pretty much going to be a verbose post with a whole lot of words, so if you’re waiting for the rest of my photos, I’m still working on them, and they’re going to take a little bit more time.

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