Saturday was without question the busiest and most packed I’ve ever seen Dragon*Con in all my years of attending it. It got to points where nobody could really ever move anywhere, due to all the of the narrowing choke points and walkways with thousands of people trying to traverse at the same time, compounded by anyone in a wheelchair, needing a cane, or strollers or completely obtrusive costume props.
Like really, I typically love to just be out on the floors mingling, and wandering around looking for people. But on more than one occasion the massive number of people, and the constantly escalating heat and humidity of the facility as a whole resulted in me feeling like the only place to go, was back to the room, where I could watch some college football while slamming a cold one, all in the name of simply cooling down.
This gallery is a little on the scant side, because there was a large chunk of the day when I was in my Riot Graves costume, which reminds me, I really need to follow up with some of the writing I had planned to do in regards to the construction of the gun, and other costume components.