So about that whole “wanting a story” thing

I mean, I always knew it was definitely gone in this direction, but I’d never seen any actual statistical proof of just how it really is these days.

But it’s pretty much confirmed that when it comes to the dating and relationships game, pretty much the vast majority of the world has given up on chance, and have turned to the internet.  Except for the few people like me, that is.  But really, I knew that I was kind of in a low-populated boat to begin with, but it’s pretty amazing to see just how many people have turned to the internet throughout the years.

As I’ve said before, I don’t have a problem with people meeting other people over the internet, but it’s just something that I don’t want for myself.  I don’t want to be able to stalk and learn about someone I’m interested in over a wall of text and an online questionnaire, and some cherry picked JPEGs of them looking their best.  Relationships are all about seeing the good and the bad, and overcoming all sorts of obstacles small and large, suffering occasional adversities, and enjoying victories little ones, and big ones, together.

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My headphones are useless now

For whatever reason, Big Brother has decided to start blocking a lot of websites that I frequently visit during my downtime at work.  Most of them are LoL-related sites, and even sites like Buzzfeed and Know Your Meme have gotten the big virtual c-block, but it is safe to say that I do not visit any websites that contain any pornographic or vulgar materials.  Come on now, it takes a complete retard to do such things on an obvious monitored network.  I don’t hide the fact that I surf on my down-time, but at the same time I also feel that my track record and work management can justify the capability to surf occasionally.

But the biggest blow to this unprovoked crackdown is that now I’m no longer able to access Pandora anymore.  This upsets me more than any other site getting blocked.

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Gazelle? More like GazelLOL

“We’ll pay you more than you probably think.”

Remember that commercial? The pretty brunette that looks really approachable and pleasant, explaining why is so reliable and great? Yeah, that one.

Anyway, with the acquisition of my new iPhone, I was curious to see just how much more than I probably thought Gazelle would be willing to pay for my old HTC Evo, since I really have no more need for it anymore.

As you can see above, appears to have assumed that I was probably thinking I would get $0 for my HTC Evo, because they’re so willing to blow my presumed assumptions away with a whopping $6 offer.

Yeah no, I think I’ll keep my Evo. If anything at all, it’s a good alarm clock, and I can still use it as such for the time being.

A catch-up post

Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I went an entire seven-day stretch where I didn’t at least post even the fluffiest of fluff on my brog.  It had to have been somewhere back in that one month in that one year where I only made eight posts in total.  But it’s not like it’s because I’ve hit writer’s block, or had nothing to talk about, or that the City of Atlanta hasn’t given me something to write about.  It’s hard to really say if I’ve even really been busy over the last week or so; now I don’t really want to write something for the sake of writing something, but the truth is, I stop and think about the last week or so, and I can’t really say that anything has really happened for me.

One of my cousins got married over the weekend, which was pretty much the brunt of the last few days, since I spent some time buying myself a nice new suit, and then there was the wedding affair itself, which was pretty much everything I thought it was going to be.  The ceremony was pleasant, and I’m legitimately happy for my cousin, but it was still kind of a bittersweet affair to me, because of some of the turmoil surrounding my immediate family, and what could possibly going on through my mom’s head throughout the whole time.

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A prime example of the fail lights of Atlanta

Atlanta is pretty notorious for its crippling highway traffic.  After all, it’s where four interstates, and Georgia State Route 400 all intersect, dumping a million people into the city in the mornings, and a million people all trying to get out in the afternoons, all while another million people are just passing through going north, south, west, and sometimes east at varying times of the day.  These highways are mostly neglected by law enforcement since most cops don’t want to bother getting tangled in the web of traffic in their own right and the massive number of regular HOV violators is about the largest untapped revenue generator as a college football playoff would be.  All in all, it leads to a regular conclusion of standstill traffic, unhappy commuters, and a whole lot of people hating Atlanta.

As bad as the highways are however, the surface streets of Atlanta aren’t much better.  In fact, I would wager to even say that they’re even worse, because at least on the highway, it’s often clear to what is causing traffic, which is usually a fuckton of idiot drivers who do nothing but swerve and cut in front of everyone, causing everyone to regularly fan out in all lanes to try and get to their desired exits before everyone else does, even if it jeopardizes the safety of everybody else.

But on the surface streets, the traffic isn’t so much often the fact that people are fucking retarded behind the wheels of their cars as much as it is the fact that Atlanta simply has poorly-timed traffic lights, all over the entire fucking city.  I haven’t met too many people astute enough to realize this, but it’s absolutely true; just look at the picture up above.

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Okay, it wasn’t really ruined

Despite my proclamation that Black Friday was ruined, in the end, it didn’t turn out so bad for me in spite of my judgmental claims. I started shopping on the afternoon of Thanksgiving, and while the food was cooking, I made a few purchases, and felt pleased with myself for tackling things that I wanted, at good prices, and eliminating the need to wake up at 3:30 in the morning the following day.

All in all, I have to boast the things I managed to procure without even having to leave my house:

  • 23″ monitor
  • Canon point-and-shoot camera
  • 32GB SD card
  • Three sweaters
  • One pair of jeans

I stayed up until almost 3 am, after all my company had left, and perused through the varying sales that were already in full swing or were just beginning since it had turned midnight on PST. I didn’t buy anything else for myself, but I was so drunk with online shopping, that I helped acquire other things that they were looking for.

Continue reading “Okay, it wasn’t really ruined”

Black Friday has been ruined this year

I’m one of those weirdoes that in spite of whatever I may say, occasionally indulge in the insanity known as Black Friday.  Throughout the year, the closer it gets to November and Thanksgiving, I assess things that I either need, want, or both.  Over the last few years, in participating in Black Friday deal-seeking, I have come out with a variety of items, such as an Xbox, a Shop-Vac for my garage, and the stereo system in my bedroom, among various other things.

Whenever I succeed at getting the rare items and the things that I want, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, victory and smugness.  In the instances that I have failed to get the things that I want, I am upset, disappointed, and swear to never participate in Black Fridays ever again.  But typically, I do.

This year is kind of different, though.  I don’t have a very extensive list of things that I think I want or need; sure there are a few things, but nothing extravagant really, and nothing that seems to be an insanity doorbuster by any means.  I have my televisions, I have an Xbox, I have my gadgets; among the things that usually cause people to trample each other or shoot each other in parking lots, I’ve already got.

Continue reading “Black Friday has been ruined this year”