Never happier to see a family get torn apart

I’ve developed this sensitivity towards the subject of squatters, mostly because I’m pretty sure that there are a number of scumbags in my own neighborhood that are living here by means of squatting, and they do nothing but further bring down my land value, and make it feel more and more impossible that I’ll ever see the light of day of ever recouping any money from my property.

Furthermore, it’s just such a terrible, detestable thing to do; it’s theft, lack of consideration for those who work which I guess also constitutes as theft in its own right, and a complete lack of respect which encompasses all of the below. And the crooked legal system we live in that protects squatters so fervently makes me wonder of just who’s side of the fence that it’s working for.

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Oh, Atlanta

Long story short: Armed man attempts to rob a group of people waiting outside of a shoe store for the new LeBron James shoes only to be killed by one of the people who happened to have a firearm of his own.

It’s reading stories like that that bring a sadistic smile to my face at just how stupidly silly and predictable people can be. I’d say it sucks that someone died in his fracas, but considering the guy was a petty wannabe thug who strived to steal from others, I’d say the world is better off without this cretin being around, or clogging up the penal system with tax dollars of the responsible sustaining his worthless life.

Seriously though, there pretty much isn’t one thing about this whole scenario that isn’t ironically funny to me. But the one thing that I think was the funniest part of this whole story, I’m willing to bet might have been lost on others, due to the fact that there was shooting and death involved, but the fact that the eyewitness interviewed in this report claims to have been waiting since Monday for the release of the shoes.

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More Atlanta police fail

There’s no better place to get some ironic inadvertent humor than the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. If I want something to shake my head and laugh at, there aren’t any better sources to check than the good ‘ol AJC.  Sadly however, today’s source of ATLOL is going to be behind the upcoming paywall, and won’t be accessible in two more days.  However, that in itself is going to be a great source of humor, because there’s no way that people are going to subscribe for AJC content online, and it’ll only be a matter of time before falls flat on its face and is relegated into having to provide its content for free again.

But anyway, today’s topic of inadvertent ironic humor comes courtesy of the Fulton County Police Department and their officers’ propensity to no-show in court on dates in which they summon perpetrators to defend themselves in the court of law.

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A pretty Riverdale being Riverdale story

This is just one of those stories that really encapsulates Riverdale in a nutshell pretty succinctly.

Long story short: principal gets arrested, student finds mugshot online, posts mugshot to Instagram. Principal gets pissed that her mugshot is discovered and posted online, confronts and then suspends student for no real good reason. lols ensue.

  • The student, named “Keandre” (thank GOD even Word thinks that’s a misspelling) says this after he is suspended:

I gots to be in schoo

Because he “has to study” for finals. Anyone who’s ever been to Riverdale knows that the only real education that happens in Riverdale is how to correctly hold a gun, how to escape from the non-existent police force, and how escape from the scene of a crime.

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The real SMB3 MARTA map

There’s a guy fairly recently that has been enjoying a few minutes of e-notoriety, because he’s producing recreations of particular cities’ public rail transportation maps, themed with Super Mario Bros. 3 sprites.  At a quick glance, he’s done SMB3-themed maps for Portland, Washington D.C., and a few Canadian cities like Calgary, Montreal and Toronto.

I’ll admit that they’re cute, it’s kind of a creative idea, but the fact of the matter is that he’s still using someone else’s properties as its theme.  Regardless, despite the fact that they are aesthetically pleasant to look at, the one glaring flaw in all of them is the fact that they’re all pretty general and standardized.  Every single one of them is based on the SMB3 map of World 1, which is all pleasing, happy and green grassland.

I get what the guy is doing, and that he’s clearly going for consistency in his productions.  But this is where I state that I live in reality, and the truth of the matter is that the world is not this happy-go-lucky, bobbing-in-the-wind green grassland.  I can’t really speak most of the Canadian cities, but I have been to Portland, and I used to live in the D.C. area enough to have an opinion of his Metro map, but I didn’t really bother other than a few cursory snide, curmudgeon remarks with the latter.

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Why do bad things always happen around this time of year?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, the news of the world currently is that two bombs were set off at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, and at the time I’m writing this, three are confirmed dead as a result, and hundreds of people are injured and hospitalized.  Additionally, there is no clue to whom is responsible for the bombings, but it’s being perceived as a probably act of terrorism, and the scary thing is that it purportedly could have been worse, as there were claims that additional bombs were found undetonated, also along the race path.

Obviously, this is a horrible incident and leads to the path of thinking of whom in their right mind could perpetrate such a heinous act, why they would want to target innocents at a major gathering event.  I really do feel for those affected by this horrible incident, and I’m easily someone who really wishes the absolute worst on the person or persons responsible for the act, and wouldn’t mind hear of them being put to justice with some extreme prejudice.

But I could seemingly inappropriately change gears a little bit, I have to say that it’s really not that surprising that something so horrendous happened.  But it’s my brog, and I write what I want to.  Yes, it’s going to sound selfish, conceited and certainly making it about me, but if there was ever one occasion where I think I could be given just a little bit of leeway for doing so, it would be my birthday, which is just days away.  The bottom line is that as long as I’ve lived, there’s been this odd propensity for horrendous events to happen near or around my birthday.

And as far as I’m concerned, it’s kind of not fair, and it really upsets me.

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*Including rape, murder and infidelity

This Tiger Woods ad cracks me up.  It embodies one of the biggest fallacies in sport, acknowledges Tiger’s own scandalous and debaucherous history that people did not approve of, and then flicks it off, takes a steaming pile of shit on top of them, and says “yeah, fuck you.

As much as Nike wants you to believe it, winning does not take care of everything.  Just because Tiger Woods is good at hitting a small white ball great distances with a metal stick, and getting it to roll into a tiny hole with minimal swings does not take care of the fact that he’s a sex-addicted narcissist who ruined lives and his own marriage to indulge his sloth.  The same applies to Kobe Bryant, and that just because he scored 81 points and won another NBA championship does not rectify having raped a woman in Colorado.  The same applies to Ray Lewis, and that winning two Super Bowls does not absolve him of having stabbing a guy to death.

No, winning does not take care of all these things.  All it does is give the blatantly corrupt media machine something nice to say about an athlete to hide the fact that beneath their unsubstantial and unimportant sport-related achievements, they’re still worthless as human beings.

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