Sometimes I miss Virginia, sometimes I don’t.

Prior to moving to the WordPress format, I still did some writing, as evidenced on Varentines Day, but didn’t actually post due to the fact that I was in the midst of the transition.

Well, the transition has occurred, and I’ll be the first to admit, that it feels kind of silly that I’m posting rants, brogs, and opinions about events that are now several weeks old, and technically no longer valid.  But the way I see it, I don’t have the heart to delete the words that I chose to write in the first place, and the longer I wait, the more invalid they become.

I wrote the following about three weeks ago, when I was snowed-in at my parents’ house, which was supposed to be a relaxing weekend with the family, celebrating my mom’s birthday.  Instead, Mother Nature decided to take a great huge dump on Virginia, and ironically, this is prior to the so-called “Snowpocalypse.”

Continue reading “Sometimes I miss Virginia, sometimes I don’t.”

Snow looks different in Georgia

So I’m sitting at work today, and around noon, the sky pretty much begins falling, and doesn’t really stop until about 9 p.m.  The best part was, that people in the office began freaking out, and plots to get out of the office early, and all the other nonsensical excuses people come up with to skirt their work duties began stirring.  For hourly slaves like myself, that’s not always in the best interests, but that’s another story.

Bottom line, by 3:30-ish, 80% of the office was gone, and I was back to plugging away at doing the tasks expected of me in order to earn my gravy.  The local traffic site, was about as flooded with bandwidth like the morning I found out that Costco was selling Piss3s online when they first came out, and I tried really really hard to get one.  But I stayed pat, because one, I’m smarter than everyone else in the office, and two, I need the hours.

Continue reading “Snow looks different in Georgia”