As a whole, 2010 sucked. Good Riddance.

I often think it is cliche the way people sum up entire years, this time of year, but then again, it’s so often done when things aren’t very good.  I can be fortunate to say that I haven’t really had too many bad years as wholes, and the last one that genuinely comes to mind is back in like 2002.  With all that in mind, in the pessimistic world we live in, I suppose it simply is easier to blabber about something when it’s more like a trainwreck than a sappy, warm, feel-good story.

In a nutshell, 2010 has sucked great big, gigantic, sweaty goat balls, overall.  I’m ecstatic to see that it’s mercifully coming to a close, and I’m praying that 2011 treats me, and treats Jen a whole lot better than 2010 did, because I’m not sure if I’ll have enough black hairs left to turn white by the end of next year if this shit keeps up.  With great trepidation, I clench my anoos, fearing that there’s still time for more discouraging, cringe-inducing bullshit to occur, and as evidenced by recent events, there’s no such thing as coasting to the finish.

But not to say that 2010 was 100% pure rubbish.  There were a few good things that happened this year.  And to start off this conclusive post on a positive note, let’s get the good shit out of the way so I can talk about all the shitty shit that happened that most people are more intrigued about anyway:

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This is a story about a girl

I sit down to write, and I am aware that it is a volatile state of mind in which I do so.  I brog a fairly open glimpse into the happenings of my life, for whom, I am not quite sure.  I do not know if four people read my site on a regular basis, or if it there are fifty, or if there are a hundred.  Mostly, I do this for myself, because it’s something I picked up in 2001, and after this much time of fairly regular writing, I just can’t bring myself to ever stop completely.  It’s like a pet, that no matter what, I can’t neglect it, even if it pisses me off.

For those of you who actually do read my writing, and have had difficulty reading in between the lines, here is a brief summary: a girl showed up on my long-dormant radar, there was a spark, a brief period of burning, and then it was subdued; and slowly suffocated.  And today, eight weeks later, extinguished.

And writing about it seems like a good idea, for some reason.  This is one thing I’m doing to cope with it, and move on.

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Good thoughts about She’s Out of My League

I knew that I was going to see this movie when I first saw the preview, and learned about the basic premise.  Not just for the simple fact that it looked like it was going to be a funny flick, but that dorks like me would be able to somewhat relate to the premise, and if there’s one thing that makes a story enjoyable is some degree of realism.  She’s Out of My League was everything I had hoped for, and I can say without any hesitation that I loved it.  It’s not going to be winning any Oscars any time soon, but fuck that- I had a smile on my face all the way to the ending credits.

In short, it’s a story of dork meets smokeshow by chance, and despite the stigma that dorks don’t get together with smokeshows, both of them attempt to make it work, regardless of what everyone else thinks.

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Happy Varentines Day, or something like that

This is not going to be one of those posts.

Where I glamorize my single status, and brag about how much money I’m saving not going out to a fancy dinner or buying lavish gifts for the woman in my life.  Where I act as if I were the Scrooge of St. Valentine’s, and put up a macho front about how I don’t need it, and it doesn’t need me.   Where I expend an extraneous count of words to describe how depressed I am because there’s nobody in my life in that way.  Where I make bold statements and predictions that next year will not be spent alone.

No, this is a post where I say I brought in Varentines Day, as the clock passed midnight nursing bottle after bottle of booze in the company of good people, while feeling good about dressing nice for a night out.  I laughed a ton, drank a little more than would be deemed necessary, and had a fun time.  Nothing pessimistic about that.

But since I’m still a romantic at heart, I’ll get in the Varentines mood, and share this little story, a post I wrote a little while ago, but didn’t post it, because I was in the midst of switching to my WordPress.

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Romance in the air, or something like that

It’s Valentine’s weekend, and as anyone who knows, I’ve been single for the better part of the last four years.  I’ve been on fewer dates than I have fingers in that time, but for the most part, I’ve been fairly indifferent to the concept of romance in my life.

Sure, I get ronery every now and then, but the feeling usually is gone by the next day, or when the next shiny distraction takes my mind off the feelings.  But the fact of the matter is that no matter how chauvinistic, tough, or invincible I may act from time to time, there’s still a great big softy behind the asshole-ish exterior I stand behind a lot of the time.

So in the loose spirit of a commercialized occasion, I’ll share a little bit of softy stuff, just to prove that I’m capable of acting human from time to time.

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