Unnecessary demonstrations of status

For the most part, I’m okay with what I do for a living, and whom I do it for.  It’s nowhere near as cool as some of the things that my friends and acquaintances might be doing work for, but on the same token, I’ve got a degree of security and some particular perks that those same people might never have in their own respective careers.

But if there’s ever anything that lights an angry fire under my ass in an instant, is when people in a position of power attempt to make unnecessary changes to protocol for basically no other reason than that they want everyone underneath them on the organizational structure to know that they’re in a position of power.

The case in point that leads to this agitated rant is the fact that across the board is a supposed “updated” dress code that is going to become effective immediately as soon as it’s announced.  The new dress code, as it pertains to men, will be that we’re supposed to wear a dress shirt with tie; on a daily basis.

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The perils of watching Breaking Bad

I started watching Breaking Bad.  Yes, I’m like five years behind the curve on this one, but anyone that knows me knows that that’s usually the case; I mean, I just started reading Game of Thrones too, and that’s about as equally behind the curve as far as current trends are concerned.

Either way, I like Breaking Bad, as I knew I would once I actually started to watch it.

But man, is it sometimes a dangerous show to watch, for anyone who may or may not get tendencies to grow disenchanted with their own jobs.

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Work griping

It doesn’t happen that often, but work has been stressing me out lately.  I’ll be the first to admit that my work isn’t at all that strenuous on a regular basis, but lately it’s been far more trying on a daily basis than it regularly is, and I’m finding myself actually dreading going to work in the mornings as of late.

Amazingly, my work anxieties lately don’t have (as much) anything to do with the insistence of people in stuffy office America using PowerPoint, but simply the fact that people lack consideration.

It would be too easy (not to mention narcissistic) to simply declare myself smarter or more considerate than other people, but frankly I don’t always think that is the case in either application.  Sure, I call people dumb all the time, but really I have to guess that people just aren’t paying attention.  Or maybe I’m just trying to be generally nice about the whole thing, but the bottom line is that I frankly do believe that people lack a lot of the little social considerations of others that I seem to think that I don’t, and it usually leads to lot of judgmental observations of what I think are the shortcomings of society in general.

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Quarians and Geth in the workplace

More recently, I made an analogy about workplace dynamics in regards to someone else’s workplace, but then came to realize that such an analogy could apply to most every workplace to some capacity, naturally of course, referring to my own as well.

But basically, in the workplace, there are workers that are Quarians, and then there are workers that are Geth.

Quarians are workers who are basically trying to survive.  Quarians have habits and tendencies that may seem dated and obsolete, but hey, they’ve worked at keeping us alive for X amount of time, there’s little reason to deviate from them, regardless of the fact that if superior, more efficient ways exist.  It’s like the Quarians in the Mass Effect storyline, they’re so caught up in general survival, that they’re never really able to put up an earnest fight against the Geth that have taken over their home world.

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The power of PowerPoint

I try and not have a lot of things in my life that I can legitimately say that I hate, as unbelievable as that may sound.  But seriously, I think that it takes a modicum of emotional attachment to hate something, and there are times in which I don’t want to give any particular person, place or thing the satisfaction of having some sort of attachment at all to me, even if it is one that of hatred.

But god damn, do I ever fucking hate PowerPoint.

Seriously, nothing ruins my day faster than having to do something in PowerPoint.  Projects in PowerPoint not only make me want to quit my job, they make me feel like the world is this gigantic flawed place where nothing can possibly go right.  They make me question existence outright, and make me feel apocalyptic feelings of ending the world and that everything on the planet is putrid shit.

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Bad brogger

I’ve been a bad brogger since Thanksgiving.

Admittedly, things at work have been somewhat hectic lately, and I really have not had much time to write in my downtime; as I really haven’t had any downtime in recent days, because the holidays are upon us, and before everyone starts vanishing for indeterminate denominations of time, they want to dump as much work on my department as they can, so that they can have hopes and dreams of going into Christmas with a clear conscious.

Needless to say, I’ve actually been working while at work, way more so than usual.  I’ve even had to skip the gym once already due to the fact that the stream of work was that heavy, that I simply couldn’t afford to take my daily gym hiatus.  That, certainly didn’t make me too thrilled.

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I guess I do intimidate people at work

This is what I look like while I’m at work.  I am not having a bad day, and I have had an invigorating workout previously, meaning the day is vastly better at this time than when it started.  I’m not necessarily happy, but I’m definitely not upset or in a bad mood.

Anyway, more than I wish for it to have occurred, I’ve once again been told by one of my co-workers that has a spine, that my correspondence with work-givers has once against given off the wrong impression to one of them.  Instead of ditching the keys and coming to me directly to discuss project-related discrepancies, they have decided to maneuver around me, and try and get someone to speak to me on their behalf, citing that I was being “difficult.”

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