Too easy

So wait.  You’re telling me a place called “Hood Mart” was busted for all sorts of illegal activity, including drugs and piracy?

Now what ever could have possibly led to the suspicion that ultimately resulted in the necessity for a SWAT raid with armored vehicles?

Seriously though, I don’t know if it was arrogance or ignorance to open up a joint called Hood Mart and put it in a section of town that’s generally perceived to be well, the hood.  A part of me wants to believe that it’s like that one episode of Batman the Animated Series where a property owner switches the theme of his casino to the Joker, anticipating that the real Joker will object and destroy the place, to which he could cash in on a lucrative insurance policy that just so happened to have been conveniently applied.

I think CBS Atlanta really needs to be keeping an eye out on the name of whomever owns the property that Hood Mart is on, and see if there’s insurance policies in place for like if the tenants get the place ransacked by the police or something.

Zelda fights aren’t as epic in real life

Long story short: girl has argument with live-in boyfriend, girl calls ex-husband for consoling. Ex-husband arrives to house, confrontation with boyfriend erupts. Boyfriend happens to be a Link-cosplaying nerd, runs to Lost Woods bedroom to grab Master Sword replica to defend himself with. Husband is stabbed and slashed a few times by very real-bladed sword, but gets in some offense himself by breaking a pot over boyfriend’s head, before authorities arrive.

Imagine the arrogant, shit-eating grin on my face while I was reading this. Some days it’s really difficult for me to find something to write about, but occasionally there’s a story like this that just makes writing so fun.

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I knew the story was going to be good when I saw “MARTA”

Long story short: Man escapes from a prisoner transport bus, two hours later is caught at a MARTA station.

I’m having a hard time deciding between whether if the prisoner was made dumber by being in the proximity of a MARTA station, or if MARTA is like a beacon of stupidity that draws its own kind like moths to lights.  Either way, while perusing through the AJC’s website, when I saw the word “MARTA” in the headline, I knew it was going to be an instant classic.

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Man, What A Stupid Commercial #012

It’s not so much really stupid as it is ironically funny, which in the end makes it kind of stupid.

Summary: Rookie police officer hops into shotgun with superior officer, bringing a new KFC “Go Cup,” which contains fried chicken strips and potato wedges. Rookie officer is a young white male, commanding officer is rotund black male. Commanding officer looks with envy at the rookie officer’s snack. Suddenly the dispatch radio is announcing a 10-31, which is police code for crime in progress. Commanding officer eyes the rookie cop, and gives him his best “go get ’em, tiger,” and the rookie books it out of the car to go investigate. With the rookie cop now gone, the commanding officer leisurely helps himself to the abandoned chicken – cue beauty shots and call outs.

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Nope, no remorse at all

I know it’s all over the news lately, but I just felt like saying a little something about the whole New York bikers story that provoked an altercation that led to a person getting run over and paralyzed and a man beaten viciously in front of wife and daughter.

The bikers in question, in every way, shape and form, are fucked.  The only injustice that can come out of this whole situation is if the driver of the Range Rover is charged with absolutely anything, or has to pay a single dime.

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I wish I could be a police officer for one working day

I was sitting in traffic this morning, which is nothing out of the ordinary.  Unfortunately, it was worse than it usually was due to the fact that for no apparent reason, six straight traffic signals were out, and the vast populous of Atlanta is completely oblivious to the rules of the 4-way stop in such conditions.

On more than one (fifty) occasion(s), I watched as people sped off into a turn lane, dividing lane, oncoming traffic, or some other form of asphalt not designated for regular automotive traffic, and then cut in front of some schlub too slow-reacting to prevent impatient and inconsiderate assholes from cutting in front of not just them, but every single law-abiding citizen who opt to grind it out with the rest of the pack.

It’s times like these that I wish that for one day, I could be a police officer.  Not to do anything dramatic and go off on high-excitement, high-speed car chases, bust drug dealers, stop crime and be a hero.  No, I’d love to be a police officer for a single day, just so I could troll the ever-living shit out of law breakers, and by “troll,” I mean enforce the fucking law.

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Never happier to see a family get torn apart

I’ve developed this sensitivity towards the subject of squatters, mostly because I’m pretty sure that there are a number of scumbags in my own neighborhood that are living here by means of squatting, and they do nothing but further bring down my land value, and make it feel more and more impossible that I’ll ever see the light of day of ever recouping any money from my property.

Furthermore, it’s just such a terrible, detestable thing to do; it’s theft, lack of consideration for those who work which I guess also constitutes as theft in its own right, and a complete lack of respect which encompasses all of the below. And the crooked legal system we live in that protects squatters so fervently makes me wonder of just who’s side of the fence that it’s working for.

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