Too good for my own good, apparently

For the third time in the last fifteen months, I have been told that I “am overqualified” for a potential position.  If this is a valid excuse, it means that the companies telling me this simply don’t want to pay for my amount of money they think I’m seeking.  But I also suspect that this is also a nice way that they think they’re letting me down, so that I feel all good and nice that I’m too good for them.  Perhaps I might be overqualified for the positions that I’m ultimately being rejected for, but honestly, I’m aware of what I’m applying for when I do it, and I know I’m not going to be making giant money with some of these jobs.  But if I’m not qualified for a position, and they’re telling me I am, I’d rather hear the fucking truth.

Censorship is fun!

Today, while bored at work, I stumbled upon an article linked from Fark about slammed cars.  While reading through the article, I couldn’t help but notice that much of the imagery, were all JPEGs that I’d seen before. Subsequently, much of the content seemed to be precariously similar, obviously re-written, but not a far stretch from the original sources.

Since the “author” of said article decided to publish her “piece” on a public forum, I decided to publicly insinuate that there was a little bit of plagiarism going on.

A good bit of the content here was funnier eleven years ago when it was originally posted on

Both times I submitted the comment, it was deleted, almost immediately.  If that doesn’t acknowledge a hint of guilt, I don’t know what does.  Ain’t censorship a wonderful thing?  Fuck [website redacted].*  Their shit isn’t really that funny, and they produce more incessant, unfunny lists to inspire reminiscing than the E! network.

*they’re not worth giving any plug to.