BHM query: Using the mailbox from inside the car

This morning, I had a close call, when a black female cop almost rear-ended me for going the posted 25 mph speed limit on a road that she typically monitors like a Nazi.  Because, she was trying to multitask and was on her in-car computer (yeah, she was that close that I could tell what she was doing), probably running my plates looking for an excuse to pull me over since I was obviously obliging to the speed limit.  And then she almost rear-ended me again when I actually came to a complete stop at the posted stop sign.  My annoyance in the world rose again to where I remembered I was doing something this month.

What historic events led to African-Americans insisting on retrieving mail from their mailbox from within their cars?

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Pre-order now: My literary contributions to a real sports publication

It would be in my greatest interests, if one day, I could get paid to write about sports for a living. This is about as good as a start for my amateur, unaccredited background, aside from once being an English major in college.

The Maple Street Press 2011 Braves Annual is just that – an annual edition about the Atlanta Braves, to which your truly has contributed some writing to, and this will be available on a fairly wide-spread distribution, mostly to the remote Georgia regions, but available online to anyone who would want to purchase.

I wrote one “main” article, as well as one “light” article for the publication, as well as several reviews for many of the current Atlanta Braves going into 2011. And although it will go uncredited, I also served as an associate editor to some capacity, as I was responsible for grammar and proofreading duties towards the tail end of the editing process, probably when the lead editor discovered how thorough I could be with such a task.

Not that I genuinely think anyone who reads my personal brog would have the least bit of interest of purchasing this, but I’m proud of my contributions to a real publication, and therefore you’re going to have to read about it this time.

Congraturation, NFL

You were this close to having Super Bowl champions, qb’d by a rapist. You were also close to having Super Bowl hopefuls by one team employing filthy dog murderer, and one team whose coach’s wife is into foot fetish porn. Man, the NFL is full of some fucked up people these days. But regardless, I must say that this year’s Super Bowl was an exciting one, and for a pleasant change of direction, I’m pleased with the outcome. I’ve no beef with the Packers, but despite their being the sixth seed on a technicality, I still would’ve rather have seen the Seahawks pull it off, but I’m not complaining. Rodgers played a fine game, and it turned out to be more exciting than it should’ve been, but at least the good guys won. I very likely would have stopped watching professional football if the Steelers won, thus absolving Ben Rapelisberger of raping chicks, because he’s a hero. Sports are bad with that kind of forgiveness.

Continue reading “Congraturation, NFL”

Photos: Master Bedroom renovations

A work in progress since just before Christmas, for the most part, I’m finally done with all the things I wanted to do with my bedroom.  Gone are the blue and yellow walls, replaced with shades of gray.  The 27″ CRT and dated looking wood entertainment are gone, replaced with a 32″ LCD, wall mounted, and some sleek new shelves.  And yeah, I have equipped my room with a nice stereo with surround sound speakers, too.  When testing the surround sound, Jurassic Park would have been ideal, but since I don’t own it, I went with 2 Fast 2 Furious.  It has not gone ignored that my television mount can support up to a 40″ television, either.

Continue reading “Photos: Master Bedroom renovations”

Sweet merciful lord it’s finally fucking done

Literally ten full hours after arriving to the shop, my car was finished.  The shop obviously knew I was salivating at the opportunity to rip some new ass holes to anyone who honestly thought I was going to pay the full cost of the repairs, and provided almost zero resistance to when I explained to them in a cold, anger-filled tone, that I was not happy with the way things went.  Unlike many people who drop their cars off, have a family member or close friend pick them up, do their merry little shit, and then returned when beckoned, this is a luxury that I do not have.  Why I should be penalized for lackadaisical work, and literally my entire functional day wasted was not an option I was going to accept.

7:25 a.m. – Arrival, explanation of problem (bearings or CV axle/joint/boot)
9:20 a.m. – Car actually goes in
1:15 p.m. – I inquire to find out that my rotors have been machined despite them not likely being the problem
1:43 p.m. – Problem found (bearings, like I suspected)
5:25 p.m. – Car fixed

Ten hours.  They offered me $70 off of what would have been roughly close to $600 with the taxes and egregious labor factored in.  I insisted on an even $100.  I may be pissed, and actually want the service done completely gratis, but I’m also not illogical, and I know these people need to pay bills too.  So in the end, it’s $400+ but at least the horrendous grinding sound is gone (for now).  I won’t stop clenching my anoos for at least seven days, since with the Lemon, there’s always the propensity that a follow-up problem must occur.

Regardless, my weekend’s been a wash.  Sundays don’t count to me, and my Saturday has thoroughly been ruined.  Instead of going to karaoke tonight, since my financial rectum is bleeding, I think I’m going to stay home and watch some fucking Caribbean baseball instead.

Warning, this is a post of pure anger

It’s the wheel bearing.  Like I said I thought it was.  Why it required SIX GOD DAMN FUCKING HOURS to diagnose is completely beyond me.  Unfortunately, it’s both wheel bearings.  Including the one I had replaced back 8-9 months ago.  Total estimated cost:  $495 plus whatever tax.  Considering the MSRP of the bearings alone is around $70-90 depending on whom you ask, I’m getting raped up the ass in labor costs, because the estimated time is three hours.  THREE FUCKING MORE HOURS i’ve been here since seven fucking thirty this morning fuck i’m so mad i’m dizzy right now.

Dear god why

It’s inevitable that no matter what car repairs I’ll ever have to get done in my life, I’m going to have to bend over and take it up the ass financially.  But why dear god why, do I have to always suffer in the time department too?  I’ve been here since 7:25 a.m. and this fucking place still has no idea what is wrong with my car.  I told them I suspected bad wheel bearing, and if not that, something wrong with the CV joint, axle, or boots.  Instead, they’re toiling around with my rotors for some god forsaken fucking reason.

At this point, I’m resigned to going with dealership repair in the future, just because I’d probably not have to deal with this uneducated bullshit, if not for the fact that the closest Mazda dealership to where I live is almost 35 miles away.  One more reason why where I live absolutely sucks.