It’s inevitable that no matter what car repairs I’ll ever have to get done in my life, I’m going to have to bend over and take it up the ass financially. But why dear god why, do I have to always suffer in the time department too? I’ve been here since 7:25 a.m. and this fucking place still has no idea what is wrong with my car. I told them I suspected bad wheel bearing, and if not that, something wrong with the CV joint, axle, or boots. Instead, they’re toiling around with my rotors for some god forsaken fucking reason.
At this point, I’m resigned to going with dealership repair in the future, just because I’d probably not have to deal with this uneducated bullshit, if not for the fact that the closest Mazda dealership to where I live is almost 35 miles away. One more reason why where I live absolutely sucks.