Photos: Ring of Honor TV Tapings

These pictures are actually over a week old at this point, but due to the shitty natures of internet going down at my house, as well as the eternal struggles of Induku, these are being a posted a little tardy.  But anyway, I went up to Baltimore with some friends, and we went to go watch a Ring of Honor taping, which was actually four, hour-long programs worth of segments and matches that needed to be filmed.

It was a good time, as much like baseball, I prefer wrestling shows to be minor league sized, smaller and more niche.  It was actually kind of amusing to me that all these wrestlers’ music themes would hit, and not just myself, but there were a good bit of people who had absolutely no idea of who was going to emerge from the curtains.  Sometimes it would be a familiar face, like Matt Hardy or Steve Corino, but in the case of their regular wrestlers like Jimmy Jacobs or even their own World Champion, Kevin Steen, complete blanks for me.

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The homeless co-worker

I’m pretty sure that he’s not actually homeless, but honestly there is reason for me to joke about making this claim.  But I work with a guy that if he weren’t such a blabbermouth at times talking about his living situation, there would likely be legitimate reason to believe that he might actually be homeless.

It’s not uncommon for people who work in offices to bring a sweatshirt, a hoodie, or some sort of house coat to wear while in an office environment, because everyone’s temperature gauge is different, but there can typically only be one temperature for an office.  That being said, Mr. Homeless in my office has this sweatshirt that he hasn’t taken off since his second day of starting here.  I wish I were kidding too; the day he was introduced into the office, he was wearing a typically office-complaint dress shirt, but I guess it was decided that the office was far too cold for his internal thermometer, and the sweatshirt was brought in and there hasn’t been a single minute since that I had no seen him in it since.

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