After such a lengthy break from the routine that I’d more or less adhered to for the better part of the last decade, I have to admit that it’s been kind of difficult to get back into old activities. And as is often the case whenever I come back to work, it’s rarely a smooth transition back into trying to get back into the rhythm of work, it’s always something waiting for me, and eating into my time and mental capacity to want to do other things. Furthermore, the shitty weather waiting for me as soon as I got back to the United States, doing things like trying to get back into running, just wasn’t happening.
Among other things that I’d like to get back to doing, but feel the need to ease myself in, warm-up so to say, is naturally, tending to my beloved brog and writing words upon words upon words about well, things. Europe, the countries visited in Europe, my Worlds experience and thoughts and so forth. But my brain’s been a little mushy; perhaps it’s the long layoff from writing, too many European spirits throughout my travels, the jet lag I’ve experienced for the first time, the fact that I decided to dive head first into picture processing, or any combination of any of these things, but it’s resulting in me not really being in any rush to start clacking away at the keys to put words down on .docx.
So in an attempt to simply get my brain moving and my hands used to the feel of recreational writing again, I thought I’d start with something of a comfort topic, something that I know I can write about pretty much in my sleep if I wanted to: baseball.