Amidst reports of massive protests in major cities to oppose the election of Donald Trump, I can’t help but have a knee-jerk reaction of “damn, these people mad.” Then my thoughts go towards the protests that are happening in cities that are in states that went red, like Chicago, Cleveland, and of course, Atlanta, and feel this empathy over the fact that it seemed like within all states, regardless of outcome, the major cities or largest metropolitan areas within them, went blue.
Places like Seattle and San Francisco can at least take solace in the fact that their states agree with dissenting populous, but those upset in blue cities in red states, it sucks to know that no matter how much they tried to create awareness over the importance of voting blue, there’s just simply too much red around them to contend.
If there ever was a time for blue collar middle-Americans to feel empowered, it’s now, since their massive numbers very much toppled and overcame large, liberal cities and their loud and influential populations and basically decided the election.
Or maybe it was sheer apathy that tanked the expected result, but that’s sadly not really out of the ordinary.