Yes, I know, I’m a gigantic hypocrite, and I pretty much set myself up for this hypocrisy.
But the point really ultimately was, I simply wanted to take better quality photographs. It simply was not possible with point-and-shoot cameras anymore. The Canon PowerShot I got in July was okay, but it was a marginal upgrade from my prior Sony.
I’d been sitting on a giant wad of cash, accumulated over a few years of gift money, random refunds, cash paybacks, and other miscellaneous means. Often times I find myself wondering what to do with said money; coming up with several ideas, before simply settling on nothing, letting it grow and accumulate more.
Somewhere along the line, I grew aware, and then interested in the Nikon One series, that Ashton Kutcher is often pimping in commercials. I don’t like Ashton Kutcher. But the camera was pretty intriguing. I found myself literally two mouse clicks away purchasing one outright, but I suppressed my compulsion to wait long enough to simply hold one in my hand and test it out before dedicating. It was during this restraint in which I began to wonder if a Nikon J1 was really for me; at it’s $550 price point, it rivals some DSLRs, while actually costing more than other DSLRs.
And here we stand now. I paid less for my Canon than I would have for a Nikon, and I have a camera that actually has a mirror and a superior sensor. With the lens equipped, a Nikon One series is hardly “compact,” as Nikon would like you to believe, and with the lens equipped, it has quite the grip limitations that the body of a typical DSLR avoids.
But as a result, I’m now an Asian guy, with a DSLR. Obviously, I’m not going to go around declaring myself a legitimate photographer, I’m content to be the guy who likes to take pictures. But I am excited at the prospect of having some sweet looking pictures be the result of a far stronger camera, and learning a few things here and there would be nice too.
As it pertains to my brog, it still leaves a lot of question marks. Firstly, the archaic manner in which I’ve been presenting photos will probably change, since I can essentially upload all my pictures directly into WordPress, and it will kind of gallery them up for me. But since so far I’ve been experimenting in RAW format, the quality will definitely be superior, but also require a little more time to process and post. Depending on how I adapt to such a process, I predict there will be a time when I relegate myself to shooting in JPEG, except for in special occasions. In other words, baseball shit gets JPEG, anything remotely requiring artsy shit gets RAW. Or maybe I’ll get a bigass memory card and shoot in both simultaneously.
But yeah. I’ll do my best to break the stereotype and not be such a creepo at Dragon-Con with my DSLR, while I’m taking pictures of attractive women. I’ll at least be bathed, possibly drunk, and remotely attempting to be charming.