Hauntingly beautiful

I watched Sleeping Beauty on Netflix.  Not going to lie, the reason I watched it because I kind of crush on Emily Browning, and I heard she pretty much goes full frontal in this flick.  But anyway, it was about an hour and forty minutes of wtf, and frankly, I don’t think even the most transcendental hipsters would be able to put two and two together with this movie’s plot or direction.  As far as the basics goes with storytelling, Sleeping Beauty deviates from just about all of them, and they just keep moving as if everything’s already been explained when it hadn’t.

Convoluted story aside, I will give the movie that it’s one of the more visually beautiful movies I’ve seen.  I’m obviously no cinematographer, so I have no substantial weight to my opinion, but when I actually take notice of how beautifully shot everything is, then it just might have been well shot.  The framing and concise angles stood out to me a lot, likely a culprit because nothing story-wise was, but I still say it was beautifully shot.

But no more than the picture above; there’s something hauntingly beautiful about Emily Browning in this one particular scene where she decides to burn money.  To be perfectly honest, in spite of the classical beauty features she has, there’s something about her that objects to my personal aesthetic preferences; maybe it’s her eyes or something.  But in this two minute scene where she’s burning money with a reflective and amazed expression on her face, in the middle of the night, I find Emily Browning to be the prettiest girl in the world.

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