Happy 30th, Calvin and Hobbes!

Honestly, I got nothing, when it comes to words to write today.  Just not feeling any sort of inspiration, motivation, or really want to even try and write as many words as I possibly can, even about something I love so dearly like Calvin and Hobbes.

I just can’t believe it’s been 30 years since the series started in 1985.  That would’ve made me three years old.  I didn’t discover the series until like I was 10, when I was snooping around my cousin’s bedroom, and I saw a spine entitled “Something Under the Bed is Drooling,” and it was my first foray into C&H comics.  Eventually, I would end up owning (almost) every C&H collection, and although I don’t have any of them anymore, somewhere in my house, I still have, framed, the final C&H comic strip (above), from The Washington Post.

Either way, in spite of my sheer lack of writing apathy today, I would be remiss if I didn’t post something about this, because Calvin and Hobbes was one of my most favorite comics, publication series and artwork that I can kind of attribute and claim inspiration to a lot of how I ultimately ended up in my life.  30 years, man that makes me feel old as hell.

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