Some eggheads justifying what I’ve already been saying

Duh: some economics professors proclaim that Super Bowls and other stadium bullshit is actually in fact, bullshit

Do I even have to make another post about this again?  About how stadiums are bullshit, Atlanta is an unfortunate bombing ground of greed and criminals building all these stupid stadiums, and the 2019 Super Bowl is the grand daddy of greed, corruption and more fucking greed?

Nah, because coming from me, it just sounds like mindless ranting.  So it’s a good thing that some economic professors and experts have decided to chime in to basically state the obvious to those with brains: new stadiums and the events they host spout metric fucktons of rhetoric and inflated numbers of all the money that they can potentially bring, but when the days are over, only the corporations and the investors truly win out, while everyone else suffers.

Long story short, this is the biggest fallacy of stadium and sporting event promises:

“the big flaw in the numbers being pushed by chamber-of-commerce types is that they fail to take into account the money a city might lose hosting a major sporting event.”

Basically sure, there will be lots of money being made on tickets, lodging, restaurants and a little bit of tourism, but there will be lots of money not being made by people who want to avoid crowds and scenes, the manpower necessary to keep control over everything isn’t free, and other various variables that offset profits but are never mentioned.

This is my favorite line though:

In many ways, a city comes out better hosting a low-profile trade show.

Whatever though, this post isn’t nearly as fleshed out and as substantial as I had envisioned in my mind, but frankly it’s nothing I haven’t already said before.  Stadiums and the Super Bowl are both fucking stupid, and the only people who truly benefit from these tax-sucks are the already wealthy, and in this case, the fucking NFL.

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