Photos: Birthday Happy Hour

Now that I’m back from Denver, I’ve got a little bit of a backlog as it pertains to pictures and things to write about… so with that in mind, it’s time to get cracking, and start catching up with all of the events before and after my trip.

I’m not really that big on birthday parties, but one thing I like do to do every year is simply get my local buds out for good food and drinks in honor of my birthday.  This year, I invited those who wanted to come and drink and eat good barbecue out to Moe’s Original Barbecue, which is like my current favorite BBQ restaurant in Atlanta, because they have the greatest wings in the city, seriously.

I was honestly nervous about the weather, since there were some dark rain clouds looming up above throughout the afternoon, but fortunately for all of us, it stayed put, and it turned out to be a pretty relaxing evening of good food, drink and company.  And I would be remiss if I did not say that I am very grateful and thankful to those who showed up to give me a little bit of their time all because of my silly birthday.  You guys are all awesome.

So anyway, I’m 31 now.  Old as shit, and feeling it in my back and shoulders these days.

Continue reading “Photos: Birthday Happy Hour”

So I’m thirty years old now

And there’s no better way to celebrate my 30th birthday than to go eat horribly unhealthy food and drink a lot of beer.  For months I’ve walked past Cypress Street Pint & Plate, and been curious to try them out.  A birthday gathering seemed like an appropriate enough reason to move forward with it.

I knew when I saw it on the menu that there was no other option – Sublime Burger.  Sublime is an excellent doughnut shop local to Atlanta, and like the namesake implies, this was a half-pound burger with two Sublime doughnuts as the buns.  Some might find the idea of sweet buns off-putting, but I had high hopes.  And were they ever met, because it was an absolutely fantastic burger in the end.  Only slightly sweet, and the burger itself was juicy and flavorful.  It obviously had to be a half-pound pre-cooked, because I made that thing disappear like it was the size of a McDonald’s hamburger.

But anyway, thanks to everyone who took the time to text me, call me, IM me or email me well wishes for my birthday.  It is genuinely appreciated.  And special thanks to those of my friends who came out to Cypress St. with me to partake in beer and unhealthy food with me.  Your company is a better gift than any tangible effects.

Anyway, a few photos were taken.

Continue reading “So I’m thirty years old now”

All I could really ask for

While I still have a little bit of time while it’s still technically my birthday… thanks to all friends who came out an indulged me for a relaxing evening of seafood and our typical nerdy conversation.  Your company was just what I needed, and just what I wanted for a birthday evening.  Additional thanks goes out all individuals who wished me well wishes and happy birthday via texts, IM, or voicemails.  No matter how reclusive and anti-social I may act, it’s always wonderful to know that there are people who are thinking of me today.

I feel like I should write something

Considering it is my birthday and all, but I don’t really have anything substantial to say that I haven’t said in a past birthday before, probably.  Although my day is getting better, probably because I’m simply not in Virginia anymore, and the Willy’s burrito I just consumed for lunch, things aren’t necessarily as chipper as some people might expect for their birthdays to be.

As mentioned, I got home really late last night, and missed an entire day of work.  I’m grateful that my car was okay, and I really just wanted to move forward.  Waking up this morning, I went for a run and did some basic lifts to help prevent me from becoming a monumental fat fuck.  I get into work, just wanting to pass the time through the day, but it turns out the queer-jew that sits behind me is hacking his lungs out.  Perturbed by such a nuisance, I offer him an antihistamine for his allergies, except he explains to me that it’s not allergy, but a cold.  Fuckin’ great.  I hear him hacking away for the next few hours, me getting pissed because it’s loud and obnoxious, and the Starbucks fucked up my free birthday drink and got something that wasn’t no-whip, but no-taste.  I’m debating on forfeiting more work so that queer-jew doesn’t get me sick with his incessant uncovered coughing, but distressed over the fact that I’ve already missed eight hours already due to the airport snafu.  I’m sour.  Everyone around me is seemingly sour.  Not much of a good birthday feeling so far.  I stew.

Then, I find out that queer-jew is leaving early anyway, capitalizing on the corporate negligence that seemingly absolves employees of not being present if they’re going to a doctor’s appointment or something, so I’m delighted to hear that queer-jew will stop bitching about how his diminishing sick time, and by the time I get back to the office, he and his AIDS will be gone.  Now, I can relax my shoulders a bit, and coast through the rest of the day, and hope to have a relaxing dinner with some friends to celebrate this whole birthday thing out on a good note.

Otherwise, not much else to say, bringing in this year.  Not my greatest birthday evar, but at least I’m thankful to be home now.


I just want to say thanks to all the people who were at dinner last night in honor of my birthday.  It was a pleasant surprise to see table filled with familiar faces for lil’ old me.  The food was good, the beer that much sweeter, but nothing compares to the company of nice people.

And of course, thanks Jen.  Wouldn’t have happened without your care.

It was one of the best birthdays I’ve had in quite a long time.