I like to use the phrase “who cares?” a lot. Mostly amongst my closest friends, as a means of ribbing each other, to let each other know that particular topics are uninteresting, certain wrestlers or baseball players aren’t really as good as they might think they are, or as commentary towards random issues that when the day is over, aren’t really that important on a substantial scale.
But that’s really the basis of the words “who cares,” because it really does boil down the point of a lot of things in the world, that really just aren’t that important.
I don’t often discuss political matters, on my brog or in person generally, because frankly I don’t see any good out of it, in either arena. However, it should come as no surprise that I have a tendency to lean towards a liberal way of thinking, and that I don’t have any problem when it comes to the notion of equality. Frankly, people should be able to do what they want to do, within mostly legal parameters, including if people of the same sex want to be together.
When people come out of the closet, be them people I know, celebrities, athletes, or any other public figure, my response to such news is usually “who cares?” Not because I harbor any malice or wish that my appearance of indifference indicates hostile feelings, but because I honestly do not believe it’s a big deal, and although many would disagree, sexual orientation isn’t an important issue to me.
If a dude wants to marry another dude, more power to them. If a woman wants to get married to another woman, good on them. They have as much right to live happily ever after, or come to the decision that marriage wasn’t a good idea and have to confront the uncomfortable divorce process as well. None of it affects me in way, shape or form, so to the notion of the existence of homosexuality, I say who cares?
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