Never let anyone tell you what to do

Short story shorter: person shot and killed outside of Atlanta-area Kroger, particularly already nicknamed “Murder Kroger.”

Never mind the fact that President Obama is already trolling around in Atlanta, making the miserable traffic worse than it can already possibly be.  I was musing my possible alternate routes home, given the fact that my usual plans A and B are likely going to be shot on account of the President’s presence in the city.

So I thought of another alternative route, that would take me due east on Ponce, where I could then go due south on Moreland, until I got onto the interstate and make my way home, avoiding the Downtown Connector and airport in one fell swoop.

But then news broke of this unfortunate murder that occurred at, Murder Kroger.  Which is right on Ponce, smack dab in the middle of my plan C route.

Now, there’s no guarantee that a murder at Murder Kroger is going to suddenly plug up traffic in that direction too, but honestly, I’d rather not find out, and now need to think of a plan D for me to get home.

However, the reason for writing is simply the irony of the whole situation of someone getting murdered at Murder Kroger.  The TL:DR behind the name for those not in the know is that there have been two murders that have occurred in its parking lot since 1991.  Well, now three.

And since the one prior to today’s killing was “so long ago” in 2002, and the city’s attempt to, to utilize the city’s new favorite word here, “gentrify” that area, the city has been encouraging the use of “Beltline Kroger” in a weak attempt to phase out the more grisly nickname that preceded it.

Welp, that ain’t happening anymore.  People don’t like being told what to do in the first place, and secondly, with a fresh new murder to more or less renew the property’s vow on the nickname, it looks like Murder Kroger is here to stay, no matter how much of the surrounding area the city tries to clean up.


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