Facts: man on left beat Edward Snowden in Tekken at an anime convention back in 2002. Blonde girl is my first convention wife, blonde man is my identical twin brother, and the black guy introduced himself with a catchphrase about how his name was “easy to say, hard to spell.” I have known all of these people for well over a decade.
I decided to do something different this year, as it pertains to sharing photos. Now I like taking pictures of costumers, and I hope those costumers who ultimately visit my site hoping to find pictures of themselves are remotely satisfied with what they find here, but when the day is over, I still enjoy seeing the more personal pictures, of friends and acquaintances that are sporadically taken throughout the course of the convention.
And since I’m being all anal-retentive about my rules of three, or at least neatly-curated galleries, I decided to separate all the photos of my friends and people doing goofy stuff from the galleries of costumes. I figure most people will come for costumes, but it’s the friends that might peruse the friends galleries. That, and because I’m efficient (code for “lazy”), it’s easier on me, because I separate the photos prior to processing them, I spend less time color correcting these more candid pictures, nor do I watermark them.
Ultimately, I like taking pictures of costumes, but these are the kinds of pictures that have more meaning to me, even if it means subjecting my mug to all six of my readers.
I can’t really do about it if you choose not to (although I might shop some genitalia on your picture(s) if I ever find out), but I would kindly ask:
- no direct linking to my pictures
- if you use any of my pictures please don’t crop off my watermark
- if you use any of my pictures on Facebook, please tag me, for I like to see when people share my stuff