How to avoid Atlanta Airport curbside police aggression

In short, use the cell phone lot.

Cell phone lots exist at many major airports for a reason – for people to have a place to wait in their cars completely stationary, reducing the risk of inadvertent collisions while doing laps around the drop-off point.  The term comes from the obvious concept that when the person awaiting pick up is ready, both parties are in optimal and safe conditions to correspond over cell phones to arrange for pick up.

Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport was a little behind the curve, but they too now have cell phone lots.  Unfortunately, nobody uses them; either people haven’t been properly taught how to use them, or why they even exist or/and they are simply too stupid to figure it out on their own.  Subsequently, it is still a very common practice that people circle laps around the drop-off/pick up area*, even in spite of the massive construction they are doing in the middle of the route, that impedes the flow and traffic to its usual disastrous conditions.

*it baffles me to this day that despite being the statistically busiest airport in the world, Atlanta’s airport still does not have separate levels for drop off and pick up, as even a toddler could understand that one lane sharing two duties is less efficient than two lanes dividing them up separately.

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Proximity lols

Long story short: Porsche is preparing to open their new North American headquarters in Atlanta.

However, it’s actually in Hapeville, a sub-city known for high crime and with the reputation of being somewhat “urban,” which is the politically correct code word for “it’s a ghetto.”

I get why they say it’s in Atlanta, and in all fairness, Hapeville falls into that umbrella that would be “Metro Atlanta.”  Technically, I don’t live within Atlanta proper, and my home mailing address does not say Atlanta, but I’m also still a part of the Metro Atlanta region.  After all, whenever I get jury duty every three fucking months, I have to report into the city of Atlanta.  This is obviously a common practice, because Atlanta is a fairly well known city, and for the sake of simplicity, people and businesses slap that nametag association because it’s just easier, than having to explain where places like Chamblee, Forest Park, Union City and Doraville are.

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We’re #1!  We’re #1!

#1 in being the city where pimps make the most money per week, that is.  Go Atlanta!

Honestly, I can say that I’m kind of surprised and that I’m also not surprised by this revelation.  It’s not that surprising given all the evidence of there being a correlation between minorities and prostitution, and Atlanta being such a diverse place with a large wealth of minorities in and surrounding the city, it comes as no surprise that the prostitution rate is subsequently as high.

However, I do find it somewhat surprising, because as long as I’ve lived here, I’ve never seen any evidence of prostitution with my very own eyes.  Now I don’t make a habit of deliberately driving down streets in the middle of the night or anything, but I am no stranger to night driving, through areas where prostitution might be prone to occurring.  Maybe it’s not like an 80s movie, where street walkers in leather skirts and leopard print boobie shirts are hanging out on well-lit sidewalks, but the way the articles mention a correlation between prostitution to there being three major interstates gives off a little implication that some spontaneous street propositioning might still be somewhat of a practice today.  Regardless, the bottom line is that I can’t say that I’ve seen any hookers in Atlanta, in spite of the evidence that apparently either a lot exist, or that they’re really expensive here.

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It’s not every day people jump out of moving vehicles

This morning, it took somewhere around 90-100 minutes to get into work, capping off a truly horrendous work week of bad, lengthy commutes.  Atlanta traffic is pretty bad in its own right, which is obviously no secret to anyone, but five straight days of abysmal commutes is enough to drive anyone insane.

However, the circumstances to this morning’s bad commute were different, and erred a bit into the extreme, as it was revealed that the nature of what many believed was just a typical bad accident turned out to be a frightening tale of a person jumping out of a moving vehicle and subsequently getting hit on the highway.  Subsequently, all lanes of the highway were shut down, causing a massive delay that I happened to be in.  But it’s also scary to think that if I were even ahead of schedule by anywhere from 2-4 minutes, I probably could have witnessed the incident, or worse, been the car that hit the person after they jumped out of a moving vehicle.  In that regard, I guess a long-ass commute doesn’t seem so bad in comparison.

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Too easy

So wait.  You’re telling me a place called “Hood Mart” was busted for all sorts of illegal activity, including drugs and piracy?

Now what ever could have possibly led to the suspicion that ultimately resulted in the necessity for a SWAT raid with armored vehicles?

Seriously though, I don’t know if it was arrogance or ignorance to open up a joint called Hood Mart and put it in a section of town that’s generally perceived to be well, the hood.  A part of me wants to believe that it’s like that one episode of Batman the Animated Series where a property owner switches the theme of his casino to the Joker, anticipating that the real Joker will object and destroy the place, to which he could cash in on a lucrative insurance policy that just so happened to have been conveniently applied.

I think CBS Atlanta really needs to be keeping an eye out on the name of whomever owns the property that Hood Mart is on, and see if there’s insurance policies in place for like if the tenants get the place ransacked by the police or something.

Zelda fights aren’t as epic in real life

Long story short: girl has argument with live-in boyfriend, girl calls ex-husband for consoling. Ex-husband arrives to house, confrontation with boyfriend erupts. Boyfriend happens to be a Link-cosplaying nerd, runs to Lost Woods bedroom to grab Master Sword replica to defend himself with. Husband is stabbed and slashed a few times by very real-bladed sword, but gets in some offense himself by breaking a pot over boyfriend’s head, before authorities arrive.

Imagine the arrogant, shit-eating grin on my face while I was reading this. Some days it’s really difficult for me to find something to write about, but occasionally there’s a story like this that just makes writing so fun.

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Well I’ll be damned

Long story short: House Bill 459 passes, declaring that it is now a misdemeanor to be puttering down in the left lane on a divided highway.

In other words, it is now a ticketable offense in the state of Georgia to be cruising in the left lane when there are faster cars that would like to pass.  When this bill was initially proposed, I didn’t think it really had any chance to actually pass, as there was too much gray area, too much subjectivity, and too much room for error for it to be a viable law.  It took pretty much an entire calendar year, but not only did it pass, it passed with a landslide margin of 162-9.  Apparently, a lot of legislative talking heads are really passionate about the ability to drive without Driving Miss Daisy clogging up the left lanes.

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