Real fast, what does Atlanta need? Improved mass transit? Actual infrastructure? Less-corrupt politicians? Another taco restaurant? Pssh, that’s all trivial shit.
But if you said “Atlanta needs a new stadium,” then you’ve got the clairvoyance of Professor X and you’d be 100% correct!
Not just any stadium though . . . but a CRICKET stadium!!!
I mean shit, how naïve of me to think that the Atlanta Stadium-Palooza would have come to an end now that the Falcons have a new stadium, the Braves have a new stadium, and the Hawks have secured a couple of hundred of million dollars to renovate their existing stadium to a slightly newer state. I mean, NFL, MLB and NBA, covering the big three sports entities would have been enough right?
Of course not! If MLS can get a brand-new training facility, and the NBA D-League can get themselves a new stadium, who am I to say that I shouldn’t have been surprised to hear that of all the sports in the world, cricket would be the next to descend on the Atlanta area and out of nowhere begin demanding a stadium for themselves.